Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wishing you all

a howling wolfy full moon Wednesday!

Abundance Reiki to you all.

I am sending you a cup of joe filled with abundance of wishes. Make a wish and watch it come true.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekly numerology report.

We have 3 and 4 all this month at our disposal so you have a door and money at your side whenever you need it. All you have to do is manifest that desire. Remember it is all in how you think, Kittens. If you say to everyone, ‘I am going to win Powerball ‘you will win. All this weekend replace all your words with I am. See how that helps you through.

Monday: 6 and 8 are the numbers of the day. 6 for beauty and the arts and 8 for sudden fortune. 6 is our hook and 8 our fence.

Tuesday: 7 and 9 are our numbers of the day for today. 7 is our swords and today we have 2 of them. 9 is our snake. 7 is for our thoughts and 9 is for our highest level to change. Both are spiritual numbers.

Wednesday: Our numbers of the day are 8 and 1. Sudden fortune again and bulls strength to help. 8 is about power as well. Use your power wisely and find prosperity.

Thursday: 9 and 2 are the numbers for today except 2 is from 11/2 which means it is vibrating really high and you can use that power to help with what you desire. We have house and snake energy to help today as well. Remember as above, so below. What you set in the spiritual realm, you achieve in the physical.

Friday. TGIF, Kittens! Today is brought to you by the numbers 1 and 3. Yeah. Bull and money. Communication and Jupiter. Male/god energy helping to push you into action and be independent. This is going to be a great day. Not only are you starting a new cycle to manifest your desires but you have the power of 3 to make it financially plentiful.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Henry's table Maypole


Prayer to honor the gods of the land

Prayer to honor queen of May

Weekend numerology report.

We have 3 and 4 all this month at our disposal so you have a door and money at your side whenever you need it. All you have to do is manifest that desire. Remember it is all in how you think, Kittens. If you say to everyone, ‘I am going to win Powerball ‘you will win. All this weekend replace all your words with I am. See how that helps you through

Saturday is a 4 day with the day itself being a 6. That means that we have 2 doors at our disposal. With 6 as the day it is all about beauty and the arts.

Sunday is a 5 total day with the day itself being a 7. Duel swords for fighting or cutting what you need to get through. 5 for a window of opportunity or as another way to get in or out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New 100 dollar bill revealed.

Happy Earth Day Kittens

Today is 4/22/2010. You have 2 doors and a master builder master number to create bright new things in your life. You are in a 3 year so it is all about the money, honey. This is a great time to build your foundation and use your doors to either leave or enter into something you desire.
Have a wonderful day today, Kittens!
Remember you are abundant!
You are prosperious!
You make all you desire!
You are a master manifestor!

Plant something great in your life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Financial Prayer

Most Gracious and Loving God(dess), I pray to you that you

abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a

family is more than just a mother, father, children, sister, brother,

husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in their God(dess).

God(dess), I send up a prayer request for financial blessing for not

only the person who sent this to me, but for me and all that I have

forwarded this message on to. And, that the power of joined prayer by

those who believe and trust in their

God(dess) is more powerful than anything! I thank you in advance for

your blessings.

God(dess), with your help, I ask that the person reading this right

now is given needed aid, allowing each, through your mercy and

compassion, to manage their financial debt and its burdens, to live

with dignity, as well as to have means enough to share with others --

as is in accordance with your will for their highest good and life


Release your God(dess) wisdom that I may be a good follower over all

that you have given me, for I know how wonderful and mighty you are

and how if we just listen and have the belief that you will pour out

blessings. I thank you now Lady and Lord for the recent blessings I

have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know you

are not done with me yet.

So Mote It Be.

Take 60 Seconds, if you will, and send this on quickly, including to

me please and within hours, you will have caused a multitude of

people to pray to their

God(desses) for each other.

Then sit back and watch the power of the God(dess) work in your

life for doing the thing that you know you are loved,

you connecting with the God(dess)'s Love and Grace.'

Brightest Blessings and Blessed Be!

Prosperity Prayer

The Prosperity Prayer

by Lynn Robinson

Prayer connects us to the invisible intelligence that is hard-wired to our soul. Prayer is asking for help and wisdom. Philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view." Following is a "Prosperity Prayer" that is excerpted from my next book. Many people have reported finding new work, receiving unexpected sources of money and experiencing a renewed faith as the result of making the prayer a part of their lives.

"The Prosperity Prayer"

Dear God —

I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love.

I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties and fears about money, and replace them with faith.

I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life.

I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide.

I release all negative thoughts about money, and know that prosperity is my true state.

I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.

I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.

And finally, I ask you to help me understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work I love. Please help me use my skills and knowledge to be of service in the world.

Thank you, God.


Dear God —

God is a loaded word for many people. I believe that God is part of us, flows through us and animates the world surrounding us. We are hard-wired to receive God's wisdom. I see God as Divine Intelligence, Wisdom and Love. Some people substitute the word God and use "Universe," "Lord," or "Mother Father God". It doesn't matter what word you use for this prayer to work. Do you even have to believe in God? The answer is no. Simply know that your words are heard and expect an answer.

I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love.

When we surrender our worries and concerns to God, we surrender to a Higher Power that has our best interests at heart. Surrender is a difficult concept for many of us to grasp. At first, it sounds as if I might be suggesting you simply "give up" in defeat. I'm not.

The Wisdom that controls the universe knows how to make the sun rise in the morning and set at night. This Wisdom has created the human body and all its intricacies that function day in and day out in miraculous ways. It has created the eyes that read this page, the ears that hear the sounds around you, the sensation of touch as your hands fall on the page.

Author and minister Marianne Williamson suggests that surrender is when "We learn to trust that the power that holds galaxies together can handle the circumstance of our relatively little lives." The Universe knows what it's doing! Can you say the same about your struggles with your financial life? If the issue of surrender is one that causes you a great deal of concern, I'd like to suggest an experiment — simply try it for a month. Read the Prosperity Prayer three times a day for thirty days and choose to "surrender your concerns" to God for that period of time. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The prayers of your heart will always be heard.

I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties and fears about money and replace them with faith.

Many of us labor under the illusion that if we worry enough about money, we'll ward off debt. Nothing could be further from the truth. Worry, anxiety and fear create more worry, anxiety and fear. They don't create more money. For a thirty-day period I'd like to suggest you go on a worry diet. That's right. Stop worrying.

To live a truly prosperous life, you need to choose to let go of fear. It is a choice. Until you experience peace around the subject of money you will never be truly prosperous no matter how much money you have.

Here are some anti-worry techniques that work:

1. Say the Prosperity Prayer three times a day for thirty days. Many researchers have found that it takes a thirty-day period for any habit or new thought to become effective and produce results.

2. If you find you simply can't ditch the worry habit, try limiting your worry to a five-minute period during a specific time of the day.

3. Find a phrase that you find comforting such as, "God is handling this now." Or "I am choosing to have faith about money." Or "I am now open and receptive to new avenues of income." Say it often.

4. Take action where necessary. Asking God to release your fears and replace them with faith does not absolve you from taking steps to untangle a difficult financial situation. What do you feel guided to do? Act on it.

5. Listen for guidance. Prayer is talking to God. Meditating and listening within are the ways you receive answers. Ask for help from God for ways that you can begin to let go of fear and begin to prosper.

6. Confront your fear. Norman Vincent Peale wrote, "When you are afraid, do the thing you are afraid of and soon you will lose your fear of it." What's the worst thing that can happen to you regarding your concerns about money? What can you do to prevent worry from becoming reality? Do it.

I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life.

Here's a secret I've discovered in working with clients: there is tremendous power in the images they hold in their minds. Those images (and the emotions they produce) begin to create the reality they experience in their lives. When you think about the topic of money, what pictures pop into your mind? Your maxed out credit cards? Being a bag lady on the street? Not being able to pay the rent or mortgage? Continuing to struggle in a job you hate? Maybe you imagine the prospect of being poor the rest of your life?

If any of the above sound familiar, I'd like you to resolve to change these pictures in your mind. I'm asking you to accept much of this prayer philosophy on faith, but trust me when I tell you that those visualizations of your current state of poverty have a negative effect on your financial and emotional health.

Close your eyes for a moment and bring to mind an image of what it would look and feel like to have the prosperity you desire. Spend a few moments visualizing this perfect outcome. What would you be feeling if you got what you wanted? As you visualize this image, feel those emotions. Add some words to your imagery. Use whatever works for you. "This is great." "I feel terrific!" Imagine your friends and family celebrating with you. Do whatever you can to make this image real and vivid.

Ask God, "Is there anything I could do right now that would allow this prosperity flow into my life?" Await a response.

Open your eyes when you feel ready.

Jot down any brief ideas, thoughts and impressions you may have had.

Don't take action simply on what you think makes sense. Act only on impulses that feel like fun, make you excited, or seem enjoyable to you. As you begin to change these images in your mind, the Universe will bring together the circumstances and synchronicities to enable you to have the prosperity you deserve. That's the trust part! Don't try to figure it out. Simply allow it to happen.

I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide.

Abundance is our natural state. We disallow this state through our fear and worry. We cut ourselves off from its flow. The Bible says in Luke 12:32, "It is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." You may not be currently experiencing abundance in your wallet or checkbook but I assure you, it is there for the asking.

When you begin to worry that there isn't enough to go around or that God only doles out a limited supply of material to a deserving few, look around you. Take a deep breath and let in all of the abundance. Breathe the air (no limitations on that, right?). Look at your immediate environment. What do you see? Depending on the season and where you live, you'll see leaves on the trees, snow on the ground, sand on the beach, grass on the lawns. Do you think God planned this amazing world and forgot to include the means for you to accomplish your purpose in life and live your dreams?

Each day as you say your Prosperity Prayer, spend a few moments to really take in the beauty and plenty in our world.

I release all negative thoughts about money, and know that prosperity is my true state.

Your inner thoughts — what you say to yourself — make a big difference in your ability or inability to attract material wealth. When you consistently focus on negative thoughts you can count on attracting negativity into your life.

The next time a severe attack of "poverty consciousness" befalls you, counter it as lovingly as possible. Take a few minutes to sit quietly. Take a deep breath and imagine you are filled with and surrounded by God's love. Bring to mind the financial concern that is upsetting you and ask simply, "Is there another way of viewing this situation that will make me feel better?" Open your heart and your mind and await the answer. Often the mere fact that you've asked the question will bring about the shift in consciousness that you need. If you're faced with a difficult financial situation, affirm your ability to handle whatever comes your way and turn the problem over to God.

You might want to keep a stack of inspirational books, cards, audio-tapes or affirmations close at hand in order to help shift your focus. These are especially helpful for those of you who wake up in the middle of the night worrying about money. All the positive intentions in the world seem to fly out the window in those vulnerable hours before dawn.

I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.

There are two quotes that I absolutely love that relate to the issue of gratitude. The first is from Meister Eckhart, "If the only prayer you say in your life is 'Thank you,' that would suffice." The second quote is from the famous writer, Anonymous, who said, "If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have that money can't buy."

What is in your life right now that you feel grateful for? The word abundance does not just mean financial prosperity. You are probably rich beyond measure in many areas of your life. Perhaps you are:

Rich in friends.

Overflowing with good will about your family.

Blessed with fantastic health.

Wealthy in positive life experience.

Affluent in knowledge and skill.

Prosperous with the nature surrounding your home.

When you begin to focus on appreciation, your intuition will constantly provide you with information about how to attain financial abundance. It will give you nudges, hints, impulses, feelings, hunches and dreams, to move you in the right direction. But in order to receive this Divine input, you must have a channel that's open to accepting its messages.

I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.

It's been said that, "God helps those who help themselves." This is especially true in the area of finances. In my work with clients, I've seen a clear correlation between how well they manage their money and their ability to attract more. Here's my advice — begin to learn about balancing your checkbook, debt consolidation (if appropriate), investment options, stocks, mutual funds, financial planners and the like.

It might seem like a ridiculous assignment when you have negative dollars in your bank account or massive credit card debt, but do it anyway. There are three main reasons for this:

1. You begin to attract what you focus on. By looking at ways to manage your money, you are focusing your attention on prosperity, not the lack of it.

2. You will need to have this knowledge in order to wisely invest the money you bring in through the Prosperity Prayer. Remember that annoying adage, "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer?" Part of the reason for this is that the wealthy know how to manage their money well.

3. Acting as if you are wealthy is a powerful tool for attracting what you desire. Learning about money management can be a bit overwhelming at first. You don't need to be an expert. Start with small things such as reading a beginner's book on finances or pick up any one of the monthly money magazines that attract you and seem easy to understand. If you're online, there are many helpful sites to visit. The learning curve may feel a bit steep so at first just read the material to get familiar with the terminology.

Don't skip this step because it "isn't spiritual." We live in a material and practical world and it helps to know the rules of the road.

And finally, I ask you to help me to understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work I love. Please help me use my skills to be of service in the world.

You have a purpose in life. It is the thing about which you are excited, the thing you'd love to do if only you had a few million dollars and didn't have to worry about money. When you are enthusiastic about something in your life, God is giving you a clue about the direction to follow. The root of the word "enthusiasm" is from the Greek, "entheos." It literally means, "God within."

Begin to trust the passion that you feel. When you listen to the whispers of your soul and take small steps forward, your life purpose begins to take shape and manifest clearly. It takes courage, trust, and strength to begin to live the life you were meant to live. You have access to the gift of divine guidance to help you begin to fulfill your destiny. Each time you pray for help and you act on the guidance you receive, you align your mind with the mind of God. You tap into a stream of love and intelligence that will direct you to the prosperity that will help you fulfill your destiny.

Thank you, God.

I know you are there to help me and I am grateful.



Lynn Robinson, M.Ed., is one of the nation's leading experts on the topic of intuition. Her most recent books include Real Prosperity : Using the Power of Intuition to Create Financial and Spiritual Abundance (Andrews McMeel, 2004), Compass of the Soul: 52 Ways Intuition Can Guide You to the Life of Your Dreams (Andrews McMeel, 2003) and Divine Intuition: Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love (DK Books, 2001). Lynn is a popular and widely recognized author and motivational speaker as well as a columnist and the Intuition-At-Work Expert for Her free monthly "Intuition Newsletter" is available at her Web site,

© 2002 Lynn Robinson, M.Ed. All rights reserved in all media.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reiki Level 1 attunements.

Anyone wanting attunements for this level? If so, email me at with your name. I will send the level 1 manual. Price is whatever your heart sees fit to send. Just use the donate button. Contact me and I will send this out.

KWP and GCW.

KWP added game

I added a game for you all to play while here. I wish I had enough catnip. Oh well. At least there is a game to play.

Remember if you enjoy the weekly numerology report, I have added a donate button. It would be appreciated. I love my catnip.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

If you have pets or don't: don't buy coca mulch from target


Warning for Dog and Cat Owners

Please tell every dog or cat owner you know. Even if you don't have a pet, please pass this to those who do.

Over the weekend, the doting owner of two young lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch from Target to use in their garden. The dogs loved the way it smelled and it was advertised to keep cats away from their garden. Their dog (Calypso) decided the mulch smelled good enough to eat and devoured a large helping. She vomited a few times which was typical when she eats something new but wasn't acting lethargic in any way. The next day, Mom woke up and took Calypso out for her morning walk Halfway through the walk, she had a seizure and died instantly.

Although the mulch had NO warnings printed on the label, upon further investigation on the company's web site,

This product is HIGHLY toxic to dogs and cats.

Cocoa Mulch is manufactured by Hershey's, and they claim that "It is true that studies have shown that 50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees (depending on each individual dog). However, 98% of all dogs won't eat it."

*Snopes site gives the following information PLEASE READ IT: *

Cocoa Mulch, which is sold by Home Depot, Foreman's Garden Supply and other garden supply stores contains a lethal ingredient called 'Theobromine'. It is lethal to dogs and cats. It smells like chocolate and it really attracts dogs. They will ingest this stuff and die. Several deaths already occurred in the last 2-3 weeks.

Theobromine is in all chocolate, especially dark or baker's chocolate which is toxic to dogs. Cocoa bean shells contain potentially toxic quantities of theobromine, a xanthine compound similar in effects to caffeine and theophylline. A dog that ingested a lethal quantity of garden mulch made from cacao bean shells developed severe convulsions and died 17 hours later. Analysis of the stomach contents and the ingested cacao bean shells revealed the presence of lethal amounts of theobromine.


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Weekly numerology report

This is a wonderful week Kittens. Take the energy and use it wisely to manifest that desire that is truly to bring you a foundation of greatness. L&L KWP

Welcome to Saturday Kittens. Today’s total is 24/6. Beauty and arts abound today. Venus is here to help. The day itself is an 8 day and that means sudden fortune. What a blessing that is. 6 is about reactions and 8 about power. 6 is our hook and 8 is our fence.

Sunday is a spiritual day. That is because we have 25/7 for the total today. All your thoughts are about a higher level because the day itself is a 9. So you have the snake and the sword to help you today. What do you want to shed or cut through.

Monday is full of sudden fortune. Why? Because it is an 8 day Kittens. Sudden fortune, prosperity, fence and power all dominate today. The day is a 1 so you have some extra male energy today to help you start something new or take something old and make it new again.

Tuesday. Well you have the end of your cycle today, Kittens. 9 is about higher levels and snakes. Shedding the old skin to make yourself bigger and more powerful. You have a 2 for the day itself so you will have balance and male/god energy and female/goddess energy to help with what you are ending today. 2 is also your house day and with the month being a 4 you have your doorway to go in or out. The year is a 3 year so you always have the blessings of money and Jupiter.

Wednesday. Woo Hoo! We are back to beginning something new! Are you ready for a change? I am. The 1 is about starting something, the bull, and male/god energy. Use it wisely kittens. Today itself is a 3 day. Wow. Double 3 blessings with money and Jupiter. 3 is also the camel and communications.

Thursday. Wow. This is one cool day. First the total itself is 29/11/2. Master number 11 which is a higher vibration of 2 and brings in all the extra energy to 2 for a whammy of 2 goodness. Then the day itself is 22/4. The master builder has blessed us with this day. Wow. Do you see all the 2’s? Well the master builder is just that, a builder. Here is your chance to put a strong foundation under your house. Hard work always pays off, Kittens. Use this energy to its fullest. This is your chance to shine.

Friday. Oh wow. Oh wow. This is like the best week ever! Today is a 3 day in a 3 year. Yeppers. Think about all that money, camel, Jupiter and communication time. You can do something spectacular today. Yes you can! The day itself is a 5 so open your window of opportunity up. Take some action. Are you coming down from yesterday’s high energy day? This is a spectacular week. Full of great fortune. As always use your energy for good/positive things and good/positive things will follow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Creating Prosperity with Reiki

By Laurelle Shanti Gaia

"Prosperity and abundance are my Divine birthright." How long has it been since you have made that statement? Has it been a month, a year, a decade…or never? Maybe intellectually you know that you live in an abundant universe, but do you FEEL it to be true?

Have you noticed the power of the collective creative consciousness recently? How many reports of troubled economic times have you heard since September 11th? How are such reports affecting you? Are you fearful that you may lose your job, or that your clients will stop coming, or that you will need to work harder and will no longer have time for spiritual practice, exercise or your family? If you have worried or felt fear, let me remind you of something a great man once said; "Just for today…do not worry and be filled with gratitude."

There is a reason Usui Sensei used those words in the Reiki principles, which are a foundation for all Reiki practitioners and teachers to blossom from. He recognized the power of our thoughts and our words. We often forget powerful statements like "thoughts are things" or "where the thoughts go, the energy flows". However, they are so very true. Whenever we create anything in our life, we must first have the thought of it. So it is very important to be aware of what we are thinking at all times. If we allow our thoughts to be those of fear and worry, we are empowering the very things we are concerned about to manifest in our life.

As Reiki practitioners we can accept the responsibility of using what we have learned to help the United States and the world to heal any sense of lack that is pervading the collective consciousness so that we all become the prosperous beings and nations that we truly are.

The basics of thought discipline are one factor in prosperity consciousness, but this becomes even more important once we are attuned to Reiki. Reiki has the ability to help us empower our thoughts, unite the mind with the heart, and transmute our words into pure light, and they become even stronger than the mere thoughts themselves.

I invite you to explore just exactly what prosperity and abundance mean to you. They take so many forms. The first thought that usually comes to people is money, or material things; but we know that loving relationships, spiritual practices, and doing work that we enjoy are also among the elements of prosperity and abundance.

Take a few moments and jot down keywords that describe what prosperity and abundance mean to you. When you have your list, take a moment and "tune in" to each word, one at a time. I suggest that you use the Reiki distant symbol to connect to the consciousness each word holds, and the mental/emotional symbol to help you discern how your thoughts and feelings respond.

For example, take that "M" word … money. How do you FEEL when you tune into the energy of money? What do you THINK about money? Do you feel and think … "YES…bring it on, I deserve to have all the money I need to live in a way that is comfortable for me, and that allows me to share with others." Try saying that. How do you feel, and where in your body do you feel the response to that thought? Is there any uneasiness? If so, where does it come from? Do you hear echoes of "money is the root of all evil" … "spiritual people should work for free" …"only special people have money", etc.

Try the same process with all the words on your list. Here are some phrases you might use. "I love my work", "I have a happy and loving marriage", "My children love and respect me", and "I am worthy of the time needed to nurture myself".

Those things that represent prosperity and abundance are available to all of us, not just special people. We each have within us all the answers, skills, and talents needed to create unlimited prosperity on all levels of our being.

We are each blessed with the creative power of the Divine heart-mind connection, and we can learn to work with Reiki to tap into the unlimited abundance that is our birthright. When we develop prosperity consciousness, everything we need to fulfill our highest purpose comes to us with ease.

We can attract anything we want into our life and truly realize our heart's desire.

Money, love, peace, and joy are all simply energy. We usually think of them only as we know them in the manifest plane i.e. what most people believe is reality. However, all things reside in all planes of existence and in all realms of consciousness. Thus, reality is actually multi-dimensional. What we often believe to be reality is simply a projection of how we are currently working with our hearts, minds and energy. We have power and ability to change anything we have created.

There are universal spiritual laws that govern abundance. Within the essence of these laws is the wisdom that that there is an ebb and flow to all aspects of our life. We can also learn that it is as important to receive as it is to give, and to recognize that we are limitless beings. The importance of holding pure intention that we are attracting those things that serve the highest good is also part of the wisdom. We can only experience prosperity if we have the things in our life that are meaningful to us personally, those things that hold the essence of the quality we want in our life rather than a quantity of something.

Humanity is awakening to a soul knowing of the power of the collective creative consciousness, or mastery of the heart-mind connection. We are learning to create a flow, a stream of resources into our lives, all of which support our Divine purpose.

When we feel constrained, or that what we need is not flowing to us with ease, this is a good time to take inventory. What things or elements of our life are we holding in the present that no longer serve us? When we can identify these things, we can then recognize each of them as energy. The energy that they hold is taking up space in our lives; space that could be used to hold new and exciting things that support us in the present moment.

In letting go of the old, we make room for the new. When we have outgrown aspects of our life, it is time to send these things out into the Universe so that they can serve someone else. This may mean that you sell what you don't need, or perhaps you make donations, or release a relationship or a job. Let these things go, and when the releasing process is complete for the moment, pause to experience how you feel. You have just created space in your life to receive the blessings the Universe has for you.

Be sure that in letting go, you are releasing into areas that you feel in harmony with. For example if you feel you have a lack of money in your life, it can be disempowering to become miserly and spend money on only what you feel you "need". It is empowering to share money, even if it is just a little, by spending it on something that enhances your quality of life. By doing this you are putting energy out that empowers others who are working to help humanity awaken to a more peaceful, joyous, prosperous existence. When you do this you make room for money that improves your life to flow in to you as well.

Now you can use Reiki to assist in magnetizing infinite blessings into your life, in the perfect form at the perfect time.

Create a list of the things that you feel will enhance the quality of your life, and support the highest good of all. If you aren't sure what your list should contain, you can use Reiki to help you. Simply use the same process I defined above. Invoke the distant and mental and emotional symbols to make the heart mind connection with each of the things on your list. Pay very close attention to how you feel when you think of them. What is the energetic essence each holds and how do you sense that they will add to the quality of your life?

Once you have your list, you may wish to enter into a 21-day process of magnetizing these things into your life with Reiki. Each day use the distant, mental/emotional and power symbols by drawing them, or visualizing them, or invoking their names. Once you have called the energy in, hold your list in your hands and send the Reiki energy into it. Now, take a moment to verbally acknowledge all the things in your life that you are thankful for. Let the Reiki flow until it slows, stops or feels complete. Of course it is also important to close the session with a prayer.

In closing I would like to remind you of this thought. Just for today, do not worry and be filled with gratitude for all the blessings that are currently in your life, and that are flowing to you every moment.

Laurelle Shanti Gaia is the Director of the ICRT Teacher Licensing Program, author of "The Book On Karuna Reiki", "The Infinite Spectrum-Color Healing Program", and "Sacred Circles". She can be reached via her website at

Monday, April 12, 2010

Native American Totems & Their Meanings

Bull Insight into the past, fertility, rushing into things without proper preparation

grab the bull by the horns

(proverb) deal strongly with a difficult situation

Example Sentences:

A: What did you do when you lost your job?

B: I grabbed the bull by the horns and opened my own business. Now I’m a multi-millionnaire!

Now that her children are grown up, Maria is going to grab the bull by the horns and go to University.

A: I heard your boyfriend broke up with you.

B: Yeah.

A: What are you going to do?

B: I’m grabbing the bull by the horns and going clubbing tonight.

From the Blogs:

Don’t grab a bull by its horns

Dream Interpretation Bull

Dream Interpretation Bull

Vivid dreams arouse our curiosity and realistic dreams sometimes appears to convey information, or a warning, in reference to the future. These are the major reasons why we want to learn about Dream Interpretation, Analysis and the Meaning of Dreams. The meaning of your dream subject Bull, according to the ancient dream books and from 10,000 Dreams interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller, is detailed below:

Dream Interpretation Bull

To see one pursuing you, business trouble, through envious and jealous competitors, will harass you.

If a young woman meets a bull, she will have an offer of marriage, but, by declining this offer, she will better her fortune.

To see a bull goring a person, misfortune from unwisely using another's possessions will overtake you.

To dream of a white bull, could denote that you will lift yourself up to a higher plane of life than those who persist in making material things their idol. It usually could denote gain.


Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:

Interpreting Dreams

Dreams often mirror real life experiences but can also include fantasies and frightening elements from the imagination or movies, books or even computer games. To avoid sleeping problems or sleeping disorders ensure your sleep comfort in the beds that you sleep in. Take natural sleep aids for a good night's sleep, sleep in when you can and remember sleep disorders will be diminished with comfortable beds. The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety and fear. Various systems were devised to develop a system of analysis and interpretation to reveal the meanings of dreams and skilful lists of the meanings of dreams formulated which included the subject of Bull.

Interpreting Dreams

Your dream about Bull may simply reflect events of the day providing an outlet and safe way of expressing pent up emotions.

Bull Symbols and Bull Meanings

Having been born in Texas, I couldn't get very far without seeing the bull symbol in the form of either cattle branding or the legendary Longhorns, the icon for the University of Texas at Austin football team.

However, the purpose of this page is to identify a few bull symbols for more soulful applications, or even for tattooing purposes.

But first, a few suggestions on the symbolic meaning of bulls:









In Celtic symbolism the bull represented physical strength and power. To the Celtic way of thought, the bull was also extremely virile, and so symbolized fertility and the power to procreate - to extend the life of the clans. Druids associated the bull with solar energy and the female cow with earth energy. The bull was also symbolic of great luxury, wealth and provision by later Celts. Indeed, cattle were a source of income and supply in many forms - a way of life for the Celts for centuries. You can read more about Celtic bull symbolism here.

The constellation of the bull (Taurus) is in such a position as to welcome the sun's motion during the vernal equinox. Meaning, the constellation of Taurus corresponds to the motions of the spring in western astrology (May 14 to June 19). This also conjures symbolism of abundance, replenishment and subsidy as spring is a time when the earth experiences her renewal.

To the Greeks, the bull was an attribute of Zeus (as represented by the constellation of Taurus) who transformed himself into a glistening white bull. Fully tame and quite striking, Zeus (in the guise of the white bull) unassumingly planted himself amongst the herds in an effort to capture the attention of the lovely Europa with whom Zeus was completely smitten. Classic art will show Europa riding a white bull. This is Zeus in the form of a bull, and will touch on symbolism of passion, transformation, virility, strength and fulfillment.

Astrologically speaking the bull symbol is one-in-the-same with the Taurus (and the word Taurus means bull in Latin). Traits of the Taurean personality could be considered very "bull like" because these people can be incredibly powerful in both physical and spiritual presence. To be sure, a Taurus who has made his or her mind up will be unmovable. The symbol to the left is the astrological sign of the bull, Taurus.

The Chinese the bull symbol is shown in writing on the left, and the bull is one of the twelve zodiac signs in the lunar calendars. The sign of the ox or bull is symbolic of perseverance, determination, stability and longsuffering.

In this light, the bull is also symbolic of hard work, materialism, methodical progress and rigid determination. Unlike western astrology, the sign of the ox corresponds to the season of winter and has yin properties. 2009 is currently the year of the ox with 2021 being the next occurrence of the bull in the Chinese years. See Chinese Zodiac signs and meanings here.

In ancient cultures such as Sumerian and Semitic cults the bull is a common symbol of protection and guardianship. Indeed, the bull is featured in art and statue guarding entryways into temples, protecting doorways and is believed to ward off thievery and other nefarious people/deeds.

The bull symbol shown right is the Hebrew aleph. It is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. It is thought this symbol was derived originally from the Semitic word for bull, and it is based on a pictograph (hieroglyph) that looks very much like a bull or ox head.

The aleph as a bull symbol will represent mans ability to work with Nature and her creatures to bring about abundance in the human tribes. Further, the aleph is symbolic of harmony, provision and harmony. To be clear, the aleph has many more symbolic connotations, and this is just one suggestion dealing with the origin of the glyph. (see the aleph in alchemy here).

Of course, there are tons more about the symbolism of the bull. This page just offers some bull symbols and scratches the surface of all the symbolic implications the bull represents. So don't stop here with your research on the deeper meaning of the bull. Carry on with your investigation. You're going to find this magnificent creature has connections with the beginning of human history.

Furthermore, you'll find the bull has been a symbol of assistance to mankind as it has stood by our side through eons, helping us in industry, agriculture and other forms of provision.

Celtic bull

Celtic Bull:

The bull is a much-revered among Celtic animals, with several different translations. Mostly, the Celtic bull symbolizes of strong will, uncompromising, and even belligerent the bull stands for unbending, stubborn personality traits – leading up to the term "bull-headed."

On the flip side, the bull is also a virile sign for men, and a sign of fertility for women. Donning the bull symbol in the bed chamber (depicted on sheets, robes, pillows, etc) is said to enhance the mental state – leading to sexual strength and endurance.

A third representation of the bull sign is that of riches and wealth. Likely due to the fact that this creature was a great source of food the Celts, it can easily be associated with easier, fairer, and abundant times in the Celtic villages. See also symbolic meaning of cows.

Welcome to a one day Kittens

Welcome to a 1 day Kittens. Remember to read your weekly. Today is also a 3 day as well. Look at all the numbers to give you that desired outcome.

I have decided today to find bull meaning for you since 1 is also the bull/ox day.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Abundance Reiju for KWP Kittens

I am putting a self renewing chi ball into the universe so whenever you do this you will have the reiju.

Items needed: one white or green candle

Light the candle,
Breath deeply down to your tummy until relaxed.
Start to formulate your desire.
Make certain it is not against someone's freewill, higher good, and doesn't harm anything or anyone.
See it clearly in your mind.

Then call down the reiju: you can simply state that you are calling down the energy that Kenny Wenny Penny placed in the universe for abundance. Doesn't matter what you say so long as you know who set it there.

Keep the details going in your mind for your desire. You want to do this continuely before, during and after your energy is received.

Keep a journal if you like of what you asked for, full details, and then write down when you acheived it.

One thing to remember, completely, whenever you are doing this: the universe does what is needed for your highest good and if you don't receive anything right away, it is still working you need to be patient. Sometimes some things take time to put together and get. If you are looking for a large some of money, it could take a month or more to come to you. The more difficult or challenging the desire, the more time it may take. Remember the universe will make it happen. Just give it the time to do it in. Remember to see it daily in full details. That is the key to manifesting anything. See it completely as you desire it.



Remember this is self renewing and you can use it often. Just use it for one desire at a time. Wait 24 hours between each desire.

Need prayers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The weekly numerology report

Kittens, this week we are in for another wild ride of cycles. Good luck and find a challenging desire that needs tons of energy to really help you to achieve it. This week will be that kind of week for such a challenge. Don't get discouraged. You can do it.

Saturday: This day is a 1 day, Kittens. Begin something but make it small. Take advantage of taking the bull by the horns. You might want to tackle something that you can retackle in another day or so. The day itself is also a 1 so you have double the 1 blessings today. Use it to start something you really want to see manifested this week.

Sunday: This day is a 9 day. Yes we are roller coasting again Kittens. This is why I said to find something challenging to tackle. For you have a chance to revisit it this week and give it more oomph. The day itself is a 2 and this should help to bring some balance to your senses.

Monday: We have another 1 day. Time to begin or retackle that weekend project for manifestation. You have the power of the universe to help you. Double beginnings are great ways to do challenging manifestations. So use your male/god energy and yoke the bull for some digging in. A 3 day with a 4 month in a 3 year and the total is 1. Look at all the positive energy you have today Kittens. Double the blessings for money, a door, a sword to cut through anything and a 1 to start, begin, and bring extra male/god energy to you.

Tuesday: We have some balance now. Both male/god and female/goddess energy to help around our house. You had 2 days of the stubborn bull now you can use everything to help you balance and achieve. The day is a 4 day which means you have a door with the day and 1 with the month. Both doors for you today to help with your desires especially in this crazy cycle month.

Wednesday: 3 day. Yeah. Jupiter and money. Camels are great for transportation. Communication is great on 3 days. Use your communication skills to achieve your desires. We have a window for our opportunities as well because today is a 5 day. What are you going to throw out or in through the window? Remember 5 gives you action and is all about you. Use the energy wisely so you can manifest this very challenging desire.

Thursday: Today is a 4 day and that means we have our door. The month is a 4 month as well so we have both back and front doors to use. 4 is a great day for creating something as well. This month you may feel all sorts of creative. Use this day to go back or go forward and you can use your creativity to help your finances. We have a 6 with the day. 6 is our reaction to something and our hook day. Like a hook, you can get stuck on it when trying to bite on it. Think fishing. Cats love fish. What do you need a hook to grab for you?

Friday: This day is a 5 day and that means we have a window, action and me. You have the use of double swords today as well. I sure hope you plan on really cutting something up. You get your chance today to cut through a lot of red tape to get to that desire. Remember it is a challenge but with a positive attitude you can turn you life into exactly what you want.

Well there's your first weekly numerology report. Enjoy your week.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Money Reiki for you


I am in awe. KWP is totally awed. Did you see what experment in generosity's template is? The place was snazzy something or another. I must find it and see what they have. I am excited now. I want that same one. This will be great for us Kittens.


Going to change. yeah.

The Power of 5

I got this in my email from the Biggest Loser. The idea to me is sound and I wanted to share it with you.

Biggest Loser Club fitness expert Maria Patella uses the number 5 in lots of assignments she gives members who follow her on the message boards. "The number 5 is sacred in the yoga tradition, as in 5 fingers and toes and the 5 elements, so I am fond of using it," she says. Here are 5 assignments that focus on that number as a way to think about your weight loss journey so far. Try listing your top 5 choices in each category:

* Top 5 victories you've experienced up to now in your journey.

* Top 5 goals you want to accomplish this year.

* Top 5 strategies you use to help make healthy choices consistently.

* Top 5 skills or physical attributes that you're proud of.

* Top 5 places you want to go — and what you are looking forward to doing when you go there.

* And, bonus category, top 5 workout songs!

Kenny has decided to try this

I have tea candles which cost about 7 cents per candle. I have money drawing oils as well which are expensive. 1 drop is about lets say 20 cents.  Here is my proposal. I will light just a candle and add money reiki to it for 10 cents. If you would like oil, I will do it for 25 cents. Just email me and donate the money. Do give me some idea though if it is for money reiki or healing reiki. Let's see if this adds to your benefit Kittens. I do encourage feedback. So do let me know how the extra energy helped you in your manifestation. That is Kenny's way. I do not know about this donating thing or charging if need be. Mistress and I do have a website called Air Reiki as well. Nothing there really yet. Soon we would like to sell our money reiki beads there. Just a braclet and beads for you to wear to help with manifesting. They are charged with Money Reiki.

Trinka Five, Trinka Five, Trinka Five

Look what I found

Psychology experiment to see how generous you are.  That is an interesting idea. Do you think it will work, Kittens? Would you pay it forward? That's how I see it. I see a pay it forward experiment. What do you see?


Today's numerology report.

For this week I am not putting up the numerology reports. Today is a 7 day if you need to know. Wow. A 7 day and 7 total for month and year. Double blessings today. Double thoughts, spirituality, and sword. 2 swords for the price of 1. Bargin. I want to start a weekly numerology report for you all so I am working on it now. I hope you like a once a week one. I never see any comments so I think no one is looking. Well I hope you are having an abundant day full of blessings.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rose Ariadne's Money Art Ritual

STEP 1: Get a piece of white

construction paper and some

felt tipped pens of different

colors. (Make sure you have

a green one...)

STEP 2: Cut a piece of paper to

the size of a $1 bill.

STEP 3: Visualize what your

paper "play money" will look

like, and select the colors

you'll include. Make sure green

is one of the colors.

STEP 4: Begin to color the paper

in the form of the play money you

visualized. Don't worry about making

little mistakes... just do the best

you can.

STEP 5: As you are creating it, focus

up on your desires, goals, and needs

as you create this "cash bill".

STEP 6: Your bill IS your spell. If

you've focused on your desires, and

what you need, it will radiate power

all it's own...and attract prosperity

to you. Hang it on the wall in plain

sight in your room to draw wealth to


Paid in full with one glass of milk

"One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.

He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?"

You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."

He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart."

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.

Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.

He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won.

Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words ...

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"

(Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You,

God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands."

There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the water comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?

Now you have two choices.

1. You can send this page on and spread a positive message.

2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart.

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which -- To burn ."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today's numerology report

Welcome to a 7 day Kittens. It is a sword day. Cut through something to obtain your desire. Thoughts are important with 7 as well. The day itself is a 5 so you have a window to open or close as needed. You are in a 4 month so you have a door as needed in case of emergencies. 3 year so money and Jupiter are on your side as well.

Good luck with manifesting your desires Kittens


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Transform Stress in 30 Days with One-Moment Meditation®

Martin Boroson meditating

April is National Stress Awareness Month, and boy, do we need it. In a recent study by the American Psychological Association, 75 percent of adults reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the previous month, and nearly half reported that their stress has increased in the previous year. Yet, only half of participants said that they are doing enough to manage their stress. Meditation can help.

Scientific research has shown that meditation can improve your mood, boost your immune system, improve regulation of stress hormones, enhance your ability to empathize, calm anger and anxiety and help you cope with pain and depression.

Unfortunately, people tend to assume meditation takes a lot of time or requires a special place. You imagine meditating in a beautiful park, or when you're on vacation, or when you get home from work, when this big project is finished, when the kids grow up...or maybe when you retire. You imagine meditating anywhere but right here, in the middle of your stress, when you need it most. (When you're very stressed, even the thought "I really should meditate" can be stressful.)

So you push peacefulness farther and farther into the future and farther away from this moment, now.

But I have a somewhat unusual approach to meditation. It's called One-Moment Meditation®, and it's a form of meditation that takes, well, just a moment. Which makes it very useful and very timely.

Find out how you can start One-Moment Meditation

That's why, for National Stress Awareness Month, you can find the balance you've been craving with this free 30-day course called Transform Stress in 30 Days with One-Moment Meditation.

Every day for 30 days beginning April 1, you will find a new article with a simple-to-follow advice inspired by my book One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go, helping you to transform stress—quickly.

The structure of the course is simple. Each day, you'll find a new article on Some will be very practical and some more philosophical, but each will either teach you an exercise or remind you to practice one. None of the exercises will take more than about one minute per day. I promise.

You won't need special cushions, clothing, candles or incense. The only equipment you will need is a timer. (You can use an ordinary kitchen timer, a timer on your phone, or you can download a desktop timer online.) After a week or so, you won't even need the timer—but to get started, it's essential.

I'm not against longer periods of meditation, but since developing this momentary approach, I've seen how effective it is. It helps people who want to meditate but are having trouble getting started. It helps people who have tried to meditate, but concluded that they "couldn't do it." It even helps mediators integrate meditation into their everyday lives. And, of course, it helps people who think they're too busy to meditate—even the busiest people have a moment to spare.

Over 30 days, you will learn how to meditate effectively whenever you have a "wasted" moment—stuck in traffic, waiting in line, sitting in a boring meeting. You will learn how One-Moment Meditation can help in stressful situations, with stress-related conditions (such as insomnia, overeating, anxiety and lack of focus) and with stress-related problems in your relationships.

You will also learn what a moment really means—and why so many spiritual teachers advise us to be in one. And you will learn why each moment, by its very nature, is momentous.

I am not promising that you will never get stressed again. But when you do get stressed, instead of just wishing your life were less stressful, you will at least have a good way to de-stress yourself, right where you are. You might even discover that stress is an opportunity—an opportunity to deepen your self-awareness and spiritual strength.

If you want to experience the full potential of this course, I urge you to make a commitment to do the exercises each day for the whole month.

Please consider inviting your friends, colleagues and family to do this too. Even though you might think of meditation as a solitary pursuit, something extraordinary happens when a community is involved.

So take a moment now to see if there is anyone you know who might benefit from a moment of meditation. And think of the possibilities if you could support each other in this.

When things are getting tense at work, you and your co-workers could pause together for a moment of meditation. When you are stressed at home, your children could say to you, "I think you need a moment, here."

My goal for this training is simple but ambitious: to reach everyone who could possibly be helped by it. So please know that, each time you do one of these exercises or pause for a moment to de-stress yourself, you will be part of a community of people all over the world—people who are learning to practice meditation—and learning to transform their stress, one moment at a time.

Start the 30-Day course today!

Martin Boroson is a playful, practical new voice in the next wave of meditation teachers. Author of One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go, he lectures on the benefits of a meditative mind for decision-making and leadership. Marty studied philosophy at Yale, earned an MBA from the Yale School of Management, and is a formal student of Zen. Visit his website for One-Moment Meditation® help and resources.

Read more about Martin Boroson

Get started now!

* Day 1: Introducing the Basic Minute

* Day 2: What to Do with Your Mind

* Day 3: What to Do with Your Body

* Day 4: What Happens in a Minute

* Day 5: The Warm-Up and Cool-Down

* Day 6: Nothing

* Day 7: Silence

* Day 8

* Day 9

* Day 10

* Day 11

* Day 12

* Day 13

* Day 14

* Day 15

* Day 16

* Day 17

* Day 18

* Day 19

* Day 20

* Day 21

* Day 22

* Day 23

* Day 24

* Day 25

* Day 26

* Day 27

* Day 28

* Day 29

* Day 30

One-Moment Meditation® Day 1: Introducing the Basic Minute

Martin Boroson

The goal of this 30-day course is to help you find a deep sense of peacefulness in just a moment anywhere, anytime. The first exercise, the Basic Minute, takes a full minute.

The reason to start with a minute, rather than a moment, is that a moment goes by so quickly you'd have to be a master just to notice one. A minute, however, is like a moment with handles on it. You know where it begins and ends, so it's easier to grasp.

As the course progresses, you will learn how to make the Basic Minute more flexible and practical, with exercises like the Portable Minute, the Emergency Minute, the Bonus Minute and the Surprise Minute.

I'll also share with you some of the spiritual philosophy behind these exercises, showing you why it really is possible to meditate quickly and how miraculous a moment can be. You'll gradually learn how to reduce the length of the Basic Minute, one breath at a time, until you can get the same sense of peace—that once took you a whole minute—in less and less time, until you can do it in just a moment. With a moment of meditation, you can experience peacefulness wherever you are—and stillness even when you're on the go. But for now, you'll start with a minute.

The only equipment you will need for the Basic Minute is a timer. A kitchen timer is ideal, but you can also use your phone or you can download a free desktop timer online. You may think it's silly to use a timer for just one minute, but for this exercise, it's essential. A timer helps you take this exercise seriously, and it also helps you to forget about time—while also ensuring that you don't drift off.

Try to do the Basic Minute in the same place and at the same time each day. But if that's not possible, don't worry about it. Just do it at least once a day.

You can certainly do the Basic Minute several times a day, but please never do it for longer than a minute. The Basic Minute is supposed to teach you how to find a deep experience of peacefulness in a very short amount of time and to convince you that it really is possible to meditate quickly. So if you do it for longer than a minute, you're cheating. (If you're experienced at meditating, I'm sure you will find the Basic Minute valuable too. But please don't tack it onto any of the other minutes of meditation you do. Treat it as a separate thing, complete and perfect in itself.)

Of course, I don't expect you to eliminate all your stress in this first minute. More likely, you will experience a small, subtle change in your state of mind, a little shift toward peacefulness, a tiny gap in your mental chatter. You might not even notice it at first, but afterward you might notice that you feel slightly refreshed. If you keep practicing the Basic Minute, your experience will definitely deepen and you will become more aware of what is happening in it.

Please be patient. You are going to stick with this same exercise every day for this first week, because it's so important that you feel truly comfortable with it before moving on. Each day this week, I'll expand on these basic instructions, answer your questions and help you understand the Basic Minute more deeply.

Time to get started! Get the instructions for the Basic Minute

1. Find a place of solitude.

2. Sit down.

3. Place your legs in a relaxed but fixed position.

4. Sit up.

5. Set your alarm for exactly one minute.

6. Place your hands in a relaxed but fixed position.

7. Close your eyes.

8. Focus all your attention on your breathing.

9. When the alarm sounds, stop.

Martin Boroson is a playful, practical new voice in the next wave of meditation teachers. Author of One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go, he lectures on the benefits of a meditative mind for decision-making and leadership. Marty studied philosophy at Yale, earned an MBA from the Yale School of Management and is a formal student of Zen. Visit his website for One-Moment Meditation® help and resources or tweet him at @takeamoment.

Find out more about the 30-Day One Moment Meditation course

Have you tried the Basic Minute yet? Let us know how it's going—leave a comment below!

Who Do You Think You Are? Why You're in Control of Your Destiny

If you had to sum up your life's story, would you say it's inspiring? Boring? Tragic? Realize that not only are you the main character in your life, but you're also the author—only you can determine if you think your story is good and what the next chapter will be!

Sometimes when I'm about to take a big risk, go for something important or step out in a bold way in my life, a judgmental question will pop up in my head: "Who do you think you are?" Does this ever happen to you?

This is one of the many ways the feelings of not being good enough or of unworthiness show up in your life and get in the way of your success, fulfillment and authenticity. Sadly, as most of people know, this question doesn't come from your true self; it comes from your "Gremlin," the little monster in your head whose only job is to keep you out of perceived danger. The more you listen to your Gremlin, the more you allow him or her to sabotage your life.

However, this question, "Who do you think you are?"—while often asked in a negative, critical way and is something you allow to stop you from doing, saying and going for important things in life—is also a very important question for you to ask and answer honestly. When you look at it on deeper level, you see that your answer to this question has a lot to do with how you experience life in general.

How life is for you has a lot less to do with your circumstances or situations and much more to do with how you relate to them and the thoughts you have. Some of the most powerful thoughts you think and the ones that have the most impact on you are the thoughts you have about yourself (i.e., who you think you are).

Everyone has a story about themselves and their lives. These stories are often dramatic, funny, scary, inspiring, sad, intense, boring, enjoyable or tragic (usually a combination of many of these things). In most cases, the story you have changes a bit, depending on how you're feeling about life and yourself at any given time.

One of the things you may sometimes forget, however, is that you're the author of the story of your life, not just the main character. You may think that your story has to do with all the things that have happened to you, the qualities you were born with or have cultivated, the stuff you've done or haven't done yet. But, when you remember that your story is a function of your thoughts, most specifically the thoughts you have about yourself, you can be empowered to consciously transform not just your story, but your life as a whole.

3 ways to enhance your life's story

Here are a few things to think about and do to enhance your thoughts about yourself and therefore enhance your experience of life:

* Notice when your feelings of being not good enough or of unworthiness show up.

In other words, pay attention to when the question, "Who do you think you are?" stops you in your tracks and takes you out of the game of your life. When you're able to notice this, be honest about and have some compassion for yourself, you can take your power back from your Gremlin in those moments and step more fully into who you really are.

* Ask yourself more deeply, "Who do you think you are?"

Go deeper with this question, beyond the judgment, and really inquire about how you relate to yourself. What's your story? The more honest you can be about the story you have about yourself, the easier it is for you to acknowledge it, own it and ultimately change it. Remember, these stories are not "true"—they are simply your interpretations, judgments and beliefs. You created them, so you have the power to transform them at any time.

* Upgrade your story about yourself.

In the specific areas of your life where your story is not empowering, inspiring or fulfilling, see if you're willing and able to "upgrade" it in an authentic way. This basically means you change your thoughts, words and feelings about your story in a genuine way. Because people often get so attached to their stories and tend to defend them passionately, this upgrading process can be challenging. It sometimes takes support, feedback and coaching from others in order for you to move beyond your story and remember that you have the power to upgrade it whenever you're ready.

Who you think you are is one of the most foundational aspects of how you relate to life and yourself. As Henry Ford said in his famous quote: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." This simple quote is so wise and profound. And, whether you think you're great not, you're always right—it's a function of who you truly think you are.

Mike Robbins is a best-selling author, sought-after motivational keynote speaker and personal growth expert who works with people and groups of all kinds. Robbins is the author of the best-selling books Focus on the Good Stuff and Be Yourself: Everyone Else Is Already Taken. He and his work have been featured on ABC News, in Forbes, Ladies Home Journal, Self and many others.

What Do You Want to Do with Your Life?

It's time for the big questions everyone asks themselves: Why am I here? What am I here to do? Dr. Robert Holden reveals six powerful exercises to help you discover and live your purpose. (Hint: It's not just about you!)

Suddenly, I knew what I wanted. It was the eve of my fourth birthday, and for weeks I had been trying to decide what big present I'd like on my special day. Nothing had sprung to mind, until now. I immediately went to find my mum.

"Mummy, I know what I want for my birthday," I yelled.

"What do you want?" she asked, excitedly.

"I want a briefcase," I said, jumping up and down.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes, it's what I really, really want!"

"Why do you want a briefcase?"

"I want to do something important with my life," I said.

"What do you want to do?" my mum asked.

"I don't know yet," I said, "but having a briefcase will be a big help."

It starts from an early age—the curiosity about life and what life is really for. Initially, the curiosity expresses itself as questions: Why is there a sun? What is the purpose of ants? Why did God make cucumbers? Why do we have skin? Why do I have a life? If the curiosity is encouraged, you explore the questions looking for insights, inspiration, epiphanies and eureka moments. The rest of your life is about living the questions and discovering the answers that help you to be truly happy.

In my work, I help individuals, groups and organizations to clarify and strengthen their sense of purpose. My clients recognize the essential value of knowing your purpose, and so they often fly me across the world to help them explore this vital subject. Discovering your purpose is what helps you to be true to yourself, to remember what is real, to be creative, to be resilient and to live your best life. A purpose-led life is a blessed life.

If I asked you, "What is the purpose of your life?" what would you say? Have you figured it out yet? Are you still searching? Are you clearer than you used to be? In this article, I am going to share with you six coaching exercises that have helped me to get clear about my life purpose. I have shared these exercises with thousands of people over the years. They really work, and they can work for you too. I must emphasize, however, these exercises are not just for your spiritual entertainment; they require some work from you! So let's begin.

6 exercises to uncover your purpose

 A Shared Purpose

"I feel like I have a really big purpose, but I feel stuck. I don't know how to begin," said Susan, a 38-year-old drama teacher.

"When did you first feel like you had a big purpose?" I asked.

"About four years old, or even earlier," she replied.

"Who or what has helped you the most to get clear about what your big purpose is?" I asked.

Susan paused for a moment. "Nothing and no one," she replied. "I guess I've been trying to work it out by myself."

"That's why you feel stuck," I told her.

Be clear about this: Your purpose is bigger than your ego. All too often, the ego—the voice in your head that believes you are separate from everyone else—wants you to find your purpose so you will feel special, unique, superior and less neurotic than others. However, to discover your purpose, you have to be willing to connect to something bigger than your ego (your "mini me", to quote Austin Powers). Connection is the key to inspiration.

It is the spiritual imperative of every human to overcome his or her perceived sense of aloneness. This is the key to big, real, meaningful, juicy success. Your purpose is to heal the illusion of separation and realize your oneness with creation. Why is this important? Because your purpose is not just about you; it involves your family, your friends and ultimately all of humanity. Knowing this helps you to open yourself up to inspiration and help from other people, from the divine, from nature and from life itself.

Exercise 1: At the deepest level, the human race has a shared purpose. Ask yourself then, "What do I think is the purpose of humanity?" I know this is a BIG question, but don't let your ego put you off. You are a fully paid member of the human race and are equally qualified, along with everyone else, to answer this question. Be still and listen. Visualize how humanity needs to grow and how you want to grow. Think about what the human race still needs to learn and what you need to learn. Reflect on what is your shared purpose with all of humanity.

The real you The Real You

"I'm tired," said Melissa, a 42-year-old marketing manager.

"What are you tired of?" I asked.

"I'm tired of searching for my purpose," she replied.

"Searching is tiring," I said.

"I just want to give up," she said.

"I recommend you give up immediately," I said.

"What do you mean?" asked Melissa, looking startled.

"I want you to give up searching outside of yourself for your purpose."

The purpose of your life is to discover who you are. It is to meet yourself and to identify what you are made of and what you are made for. To do this, you have to be willing to give yourself some special attention. You have to stop "going" "doing" and "chasing" and start spending more time "being" with yourself. You have to connect consciously with what I call your unconditioned self, the original essence of who you are. Your unconditioned self wants you to know yourself. It wants you to know who you really are.

Exercise 2: Book a meeting with yourself, and explore this question, "From 0 to 10, how alive do I feel?" Zero represents "the living dead," and 10 represents "100 percent alive." Notice how alive you feel in your life right now, and identify what would help you to feel even more alive. In particular, name specifically what inspires you and what motivates you to show up in your life each day. To live your purpose, you have to dare to be even more of who you really are.

A call to joy A Call to Joy

Since 1992, I have been the director of The Happiness Project—a project that explores the psychology, sociology and spirituality of happiness. I am an advocate for happiness because I believe the purpose of happiness is to help you to find your purpose. When you know what makes you happy, it helps you to remember who you really are and to give yourself more wholeheartedly in your life.

Here is the vision statement of The Happiness Project:

It is because the world is so full of suffering,

that your happiness is a gift.

It is because the world is so full of poverty,

that your wealth is a gift.

It is because the world is so unfriendly,

that your smile is a gift.

It is because the world is so full of war,

that your peace of mind is a gift.

It is because the world is in such despair,

that your hope and optimism is a gift.

It is because the world is so afraid,

that your love is a gift.

Exercise 3: Placed inside every human being is a call to joy, and the purpose of your life is to answer that call. People who follow their joy experience the fullness of their being. They are the renaissance workers who evolve the consciousness of humanity. In this exercise, called "At My Happiest," identify all the occasions when you feel truly happy. Afterward, reflect on what this exercise has taught you about your true purpose in life.

You heart's prayer Your Heart's Prayer

Since 1996, I have been the director of Success Intelligence, a project that explores the heart and soul of authentic success. Central to this work, is the exploration of life purpose. Several years ago, I was asked by a journalist to sum up the heart of my work with Success Intelligence in 100 words.

My answer to her question reveals what I believe to be an essential key to discovering your purpose. Here is what I wrote:

Before you dedicate your life

to a person, a marriage, a family;

to a corporation, a political party,

a peace campaign;

to a religion, a revolution, a

spiritual path;

make one other dedication first.

First dedicate yourself to LOVE.

Decide to let Love be your

intention, your purpose and

your point.

And then let Love inspire you,

support you, and guide you

in every other dedication

you make thereafter.

Exercise 4: To discover the purpose of your life, you have to "let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love," Rumi said. If you love enough, you will surely fulfill your purpose on earth. You can begin right now by listening to your heart, which is the doorway to your unconditioned self. Your heart knows your true purpose. It keeps no secrets from you. All you have to do is listen. A few years ago, I found the following words by Matthew Anderson, which I share with all my clients. His words make a great exercise: "There is a prayer that lives in the center of your heart. If you pray it, it will change your life. How does it begin?"

Your Real Work Your Real Work

I once coached a man named Neil who said, "For 23 years, I went to work without a purpose. I had a reason, which was money. But a reason is not the same thing as a purpose." Neil had worked for a bank his entire adult life and, although he had gotten many promotions and pay raises, he still felt unfulfilled. He came to see me to find his purpose. We talked about the difference between busyness and purpose. We began by acknowledging there is a world of difference between having a job and having a purpose.

The purpose of your life is not to be as busy as possible. Indeed, one of the biggest blocks to discovering your purpose is chronic busyness. Being busy can be purposeful and productive, but when you are permanently busy, it is a sure sign that your busyness conceals a lack of clarity, a fear of inadequacy, feelings of unworthiness and a lack of faith in your soul's ability to help you live your purpose.

Exercise 5: In my coaching sessions, I help my clients to create their own unique business cards. Instead of writing your job title on this card, you get to write your purpose. I recommend you use a maximum of three words to name your purpose. For example, a hairdresser I once coached wrote, "Self-Esteem Consultant." "The purpose of my work is to help people feel good about themselves," he said. You can also add a motto, an affirmation, a symbol, a mission statement or anything else. The idea is to identify your real work.

Choosing your purpose  Choosing Your Purpose

"I've been searching for my purpose my whole life," said Sheila, a 44-year-old-housewife. "And no matter how much I search, I still can't find my purpose."

"What would you like your purpose to be?" I asked.

"I don't think I understand the question," said Sheila.

"Well, if searching for a purpose isn't working, I recommend you choose a purpose."

"How do I do that?" asked Sheila.

The way to discover your purpose is to live a purpose-centered life. In practical terms, this means focusing on and being receptive to the highest purpose of every situation you find yourself in. For example, before you attend a meeting, you might say a prayer like, "Dear God, show me the purpose of me being here." Or, before an important conversation with a friend, you might want to connect with your heart and think about what the real purpose of your friendship is. Or, before you even get out of bed in the morning, you might want to choose how you want to feel today.

Exercise 6: Wherever you find yourself—in a meeting, driving your kids to school, on a date, waiting for a bus—make it a habit to be as open as possible to what is really happening. This will help you to be truly present and receptive in your life. Also, be mindful of how you are being and what you are giving, and make sure your choices are aligned to what you most want to experience. Your purpose is something you live each day, and it's something you give from you heart to the world.

Robert Holden, PhD, and his innovative work on happiness and well-being have been featured on The Oprah Show and Good Morning America and also in two major BBC TV documentaries, The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy, shown to more than 30 million TV viewers worldwide. He is the author of the best-selling books Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens! and Success Intelligence. His latest book, Be Happy, is published by Hay House. Robert lives in London with his wife and daughter.

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