Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 31, 2015 1/31/15


Four is one of our stabilizing numbers. When we think of four several things come to mind like four elements, four horses delivering the apocalypses, four sides of the square, and many other ideas. Four is about your position in life and what property you have. It is about keeping up with the Joneses. Time is an illusion with four. Manifest what you can on this day with your goals but know that eight is going to keep you in line wanting balance.

Keep writing those goals up and keeping your goal journal. Write a goal that you can achieve within the cycle of nine.  This is the last day of your nine month. Hopefully, you have shred plenty of your old habits and transformed yourself into something new. 


Friday, January 30, 2015

January 30, 2015 1/30/15


Our every thing comes in three day is here once more. What is your trinity? Everyone should figure out what their trinity really is. Like mind, body, soul. What is your companiest trinity? This is something you can add into your business logo. This is something to ponder about as you write in your goal journal. What three things go together to really create your company? Think simple like healthy, wealthy, and wise. Someone thought that up. Look deep into that soul of yours and really start to think. We also have ask, believe, receive. Hmmm. Are you picturing it yet, Kittens? Our goal this year is to really help the Kittens achieve in business. We are using our Money Reiki and Abundance Reiki to help you unlock your potential and rid yourself of those blocks that are holding you back. You have this month to let go and complete what is needed. Time to shed your old skin and start out new.

Today add in a little social time. Get out there and shake hands with future clients. Send employees out to the mall to hand out brochures and business cards. Put flyers out. Knock on doors. This is your day to really get out there and knock a goal out of the ball park. Have a meeting today at a local restaurant. Have it at the local coffee shop. Get a sub sandwich. Make your connections with a social smile. Tell some jokes. Make a joke up about your company.

Remember to keep your goal journal going. This year, you will have a record to help you see how you have grown. Remember, you don't have to make huge goals. Just keep it simple. Look for goals that are reachable right now today. It is good to have a major dream, but remember, you need to first learn to crawl. Baby steps lead you to a path of a worthy life. Baby steps help you build a foundation and a pattern that is a life long healthy change. When you are doing something new, you always want to start small. It is like putting a puzzle together, first you find the edge pieces then you start putting the rest in place. Eventually, you have the whole picture.



Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015 1/29/15


Master Number day again! Our Master Teacher is off trying to find us some sort of great lesson filled with adventure. Are you ready for it? You have the pillars of two to give you balance with eight giving you the highs and lows. This Thursday is going to be a day for massage and meditation. Your gonna need it as you walk this path you have chosen. It would be an expecellent day to look at a wellness program for your company. I am sure you have envisioned happy employees bowing down to the greatest boss on the planet. As I said before, this is the year of Karma and eleven/two is another big number for Karma. If you want healthy, happy employees, then you need to plan for that and how you can help them to stay healthy and happy. The right employees help our companies to grow and be abundant. A cheerful employee helps keep your clients coming back and sometimes even a little token that you appreciate someone's business can be an excellent idea. It is all about Karma and reaping what you sow. Call up your competitor and see how their customer service personnel treat their clients. Can your employees do a better job? Of course they can! Working with your customers can lead to more word of mouth about your business and that can lead to more clients. Remember, if you don't give a flower sunshine, it dies. Better to give it an abundant amount of sunshine. It will grow into something very beautiful.



Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2015 1/28/15


I don't think we talk enough about zero. Zero is all about creating something out of nothing. Zero is void. Zero is nothing. You have nothing and then one comes around and now you have something. That is what today really is. How can you create something from nothing? The Universe today is asking you to ponder that question. Get out your goal journals and start just writing out anything that comes to your head. Ten days bring you changes. These are the days you wish to be in bed because the changes can be overwhelming. Pull out that coffee pot and bring on the paper. Time to start writing like there is no tomorrow. You have the Universe giving you that independent burst of ideas. This is your day for new goals and new business. This is your day to start dreaming big and write down in your goal journal what you think your business will become. Do you want more clients by this date? Do you want more equipment by that date? Plan it out. Pull out the highlighters and colored pencils. Have a great time dream and scheming your way to the top. Life isn't about black and white, it is about color. Give your life some direction with a colorful path.



Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27, 2015 1/27/15


We are in completion mode today, Kittens. Are you ready to walk that path up the mountain? Are you ready to pioneer another path off of that one? It is only Tuesday. Better get nine cups of coffee to complete those goals. How is your goal journal doing? Better check it. There is at least one goal in there you can total complete today. Are you ready to lead that meeting? Are you ready for more responsibility? Are those your goals? When you write down your goals be sure they are really what you want to do and not what others are expecting you to do. You write your own book of life. You follow your own path to your own tune. You are your drummer and cheerleader. Take time to really love yourself today. Pamper yourself. Today is a great day for you to do some giving and receiving to yourself. There is something today that will close and something new will start. That closing of a case is a letting go. That last meeting of the day is letting go. Now that your work day is done, go find a yoga class and let go of some more.



Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015 1/26/15.


Oh how great and powerful you are Mistress Eight. You are shining through my day today. What key points do I need to keep balanced? What lessons will I learn from the all powerful eight? It is going to be an up and down battle today, Kittens! Do you see all that eight power? Your going to be feeling that eight energy strongly. You are going to be restless today Kittens with all that eight energy pushing you to be more ambitious. Eight is going to be leading you to where you can be successful. Be courageous today Kittens and really look at where your business goals are flowing. What can all this eight energy help you to complete. Eight is your General Manager today. Listen to your manager's advice. You will feel more accomplished and remember to be balanced. You will reap what you sow.



Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015 1/25/15


Keep balance in mind today, Kittens. We have not only seven coming up from one and six but also from two and five. With seven energy, we all know we have heaven knocking at our door. This may be a great day to rest your weary head. Since it is Sunday today, you may want to stay in bed under the covers and not move. With all the hints from the Universe, you can see that today is going to be spiritual. You may want to work on your transformation into perfection with meditation. Today is a great day to call into work for a mental health day. Meditate the day away while formulating your manifesting power to create your abundance. Let your cells rebuild themselves in an epsom salt bath. Take time to listen to the stillness and silence around you. This is a great day to be by yourself and working on yourself with your higher self. Look for your hidden abilities, talk to your guides, ask for knowledge, and just be.



Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 24, 2015 1/24/15


Double play on fifteen! Got to love days that really want you to look at a specific number. When you see that you know the Universe is telling you something important that only that number can give you. Fifteen is a combination between one and five so you have a balance between those to numbers. They both add up to six meaning, you have that third numbers energy in the mix as well. So what do these three numbers together mean?

In numerology we have specific ideas that go with each number. Just like in astrology, each planet has its own ideas. They are like sets of behaviors. Numerologist have a ton of behaviors/energy/ideas for each number but I will simplify them for you. You don't need all those energies to really understand a number. I like to go for the basics that really make that number.

One is for pioneering, new, creation, beginning, and independent. Now when you think of independent, you look for all the behaviors that make someone that way like their will power and ambition.

Five is for body, freedom, adventure, and individualism. Now when you put those together, you realize that five's energy is about your senses, your learning especially from life lessons, and your choices. Five wants you to go for it while teaching you something important along the way. Five is also where you should look for your health issues. When you see a five, check in with your body.

Six is for love, creativity, imagination, and intellect. When you put six together you realize it is a circle with an upside down tail. That leads you to say that obviously six has its feet in the air, grounding its head. We do say that six means as above, so below because you have to start with the tail and lead to the circle. Six's energy is about home and family.

Eight is for manifesting, balance, confidence, and karma. Eight will always search for justice and will help you be abundant in wealth so long as you show good judgement. Balance is key for eight. Eight wants you to be confident in what you do and know that life has ups and downs. Eight will bring to you what you put out to the Universe. This a number that really follows the what you reap, is what you sow proverb.

In all, Kittens, your fifteen day will be about teaching you something about your home/family, where your passion really lies, and it will be about you wanting freedom and independence from the old that is chaining you down. Your business needs some new breath blown into it. Today, look for how that can happen and maybe see how your family can help.



Friday, January 23, 2015

January 23, 2015 1/23/15


Today is a five day. Do you feel like you have a fire under your feet? That is five's energy. It is always fiery. Today is a fast moving day and with the help of eight and one, you will surely feel that independent attitude! Nothing is going to stop you today. Five's energy is really prevalent today. You are going to feel the full wrath of five. Look at your five senses and use your gut instincts. Try to keep yourself as balanced as you can today. Your thoughts are going to be free flowing, free thinking, and you are going to be singing Footloose. Your feet will want to be moving. It is a day of fire and passion for you.

Keep your goals flowing like water from your mind to your journal. This is your year, Kittens.



Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22, 2015 1/22/15


Another Master Number day. We have twenty-two. Twenty-two is our Master Builder. Here is your day to really build your business and bring those dreams into this reality. The Universe has given you this day to really put up the foundation and make a successful, growing enterprise. This is your four is my door day! Today the Universe is going to help you build your doors and windows on your firm foundation. What do you aspire your business or life to be? This will be your day to put that firmly into play with eight helping you to keep balance and one giving you the independence to move forward.

If you have legal papers you need to prepare, today would be a good day to get those together and get that goal crossed off your list. Be efficient in your work today. This is your building day and you need to use it wisely. Twenty-two will help you make it all perfect with love and logic.

Don't forget to keep your goal journal up to date! You want to keep the flow going. Today is your building day!



Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21, 2015 1/21/15


Today is a fun-loving day with you finding a new beginning with strong individuals. Three is about communication and the triad. Think of the three god head or the triple goddess. Everything comes in threes is the saying. Three is charming so like of the Charmed Ones. Use your magic today to bring forth those goals you really like that are creative. Put your full passion in it. Remember, we are closing out the door to the old and bringing in the new through an opened door on the other side of the room. Growth is a potential today. Expansion is probable today. Look for areas that will bring you both growth and expansion for your business.



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20, 2015


Let's talk a bit about our numbers. First, we are in an eight year, eight is about balance, power, and abundance especially money. If you look at how eight is shaped you see how balance is very important and how even like in life you have ups and downs.

We are in a one month. That means it is new, adventurous, and pioneering. You have to look at one as an individual. When you look at this number, look for what you can put into your life that is new showing your individuality.

Together our one month and eight year (1+8=9) equals a nine. Nine is about humanity and completeness. It is how your soul moves on. Nine is the last one. Completed. Think of our doors. When you close one door another opens, well that is nine bringing you back to one. You are now full circle. It is now time to start something new and complete something old.

That brings us to our day which is the number two. Two is about balance as well. It is the pillars of the Universe holding you up. It is two people coming together to make life complete. Two has the duality to also mean opposites like love/hate, good/evil, rich/poor. Look for this throughout your day today.

Now for the Master Number Eleven. This is one of our enlightenment teachers. Eleven wants you to seek out your psychic abilities. Go with your gut feeling. Use your messenger today. Use eleven for those little details during your meetings with other companies. Look for the beauty of life today. Look for balance. Love with your whole heart today. This is a great day to really look at those deals with other businesses and use your gut to make that deal or complete that merger.

Remember to keep your goals up to date in your goal journal. Keep your dreams alive. Time to complete an old dream and start on a new one.



Monday, January 19, 2015

January Abundance Check

January 19, 2015


The day before the New Moon. Don't forget to get that abundance check filled out. Let's get our abundance angel a reason to help us. What a wonderful day to have as the day before! A one day is a new day and a great day to start that dream goal for the week.

Since today is a one day, I want to really discuss with you our plan for this year. I want to see all the Kittens succeed in business and daily life. If you haven't heard about this then lend me your ear, I know of several different types of journals people use daily, one is the goal journal. Let me tell you how to start this. 
  • First find an appointment book type journal. 
  • Get yourself some highlighters and special pens to see under the highlighted area. 
  • Use one part for your goal, one for your gratitudes, and one part for your dreams. These are but three different types of journals. You can add in your meditations, intentions, affirmations, art, stories you write, quotes you like, and so much more. But we will start with just the first three.
You are in a one month, a one day, in an eight year. This is a great time for you to start getting these journals in and down.

  • This is the time to plan your business out daily and weekly, monthly and yearly. 
  • Start with a good daily goal that you want to see your business succeed in for that day. 
  • Get yourself hyped up for it. 
  • Write a little dream about it. 
  • Write an affirmation and a gratitude for it. 
  • Then expand on that for a weekly growth goal doing the same as above for the daily. 
  • Then expand to your monthly goal for that month. 
  • Make sure you write down with excitement what the goal is, what the dream is, what the gratitude and affirmation is. 
Soon you will start to see where you want to go this year with your business and that will help you with your daily, weekly, and monthly goals.

Don't forget to write out your monthly abundance checks as well. This will also help your business grow.



Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015


Today eight is taking you on an adventure to the number nine. Eight wants you to be that spiritual leader for humanity. Show everyone your path up the mountain. Give our Universal Love. Hug your neighbor. Today is a total completion day. This is the last single number. This is it. This means everything else repeats. Take this opportunity to blaze a path. Is there a goal you have set for this week in your business affairs? This would be a great day to see that completion. Look for ways to complete a goal today. Ask a charity if they need some help and give some time away to someone who needs it. Good volunteer activities are animal shelters, homeless shelters, and hospice. Use your intuition make your paths goal complete today. Nine days are always selfless days.



Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 17, 2015


An eight day in an eight year. Oh the energy of eight. Be careful today Kittens. This day with all that eight energy may be full of eight's challenges meaning judgment, manipulation, anger, aggression, and maybe even down right war. Be careful about the war like behavior. You don't need negative today. Do some mantra like, “I am an instrument of peace.”! Today use some seven energy to balance your day. Take on your spiritual side. Use your talents for charity. Good fortune can be yours through giving and receiving. Be that dependable rock that someone really needs. Use some of the one energy to pioneer something important into your business or charity. Unite what needs to be together with a smile on your face and be vigilant for any kerfuffles.



Friday, January 16, 2015

January 1-16-2015


What can be higher than heaven? A seven day. A new day with one energy coming in with that fresh new smell. Eight is going to keep you straight. You have to have that balance. Six has you seeking and being idealistic. Seven is a spiritual number asking you to look inside yourself and bring forth your dreams. It is looking for you to manifest what you really want in your life. Take time today to focus one what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. Set your goals. Follow your gut. Seven is a heaven day. Take that time to rest and manifest.



Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 1-15-2015


We have the energy of fifteen today. Fifteen equals six but the energy is much different. We have the number one asking us to be adventurous and to bring newness into our life. One wants us to change. One wants you to have new things and a new life. Five is a fun-loving, full of freedom, adventurer with full individual rights. Together they equal six which wants you free of every compulsion. Today will be a know all, be all, understand all day. You feel the heat. You want the truth. You want that deeper knowledge. You will be on the move today and restless. Your emotions will be wanting more. You will see where you want to be money wise today for sure all the while wanting to be home.



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

January 1-14-2015


Wowza. Looky loo at that five energy. Fourteen is amazing today! Here is a wonderful day to deal with legal matters. Justice prevails with eight, five, and fourteen's energy adding to anything you need done with the courts. Use that energy wisely, Kittens. Your five day is about your independence but it is also about digging out that dirt like the great detective you are. Ask your attorney all those questions you have about your business affairs. Seek out the curiosity like the cat does. What kind of trouble can you get into today. Whatever it is, it will lead you to your ultimate freedom. Your five senses will be strong today. Look for your adventure to begin. Find your passion. Whatever you choose today, remember you are in an eight year so balance it the right way. If you have a competitor in your field, know that eight and five are going to keep you on your toes.



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

January 1-13-2015


Most people see thirteen as an unlucky number but it really isn't. This is a very gutsy, karmic number. This number shows your soul how chaos can lead to something new. Although we all know the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence, thirteen equaling four lets you know that what you have will be transformed into something way better. Charge into whatever you are against today with a rebel yell and cry more, more, more. Release all your old burdens and allow the Universe to give you a balance leading to harmonious abundance. Work hard, co-operate, and take responsibility for who you are and what your dreams deliver. Get your mind into that organized thought of being disciplined to get the job done. Today, know your door is open for anything you want to achieve. Look for opportunities to grow and become that business you admire.



Monday, January 12, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

January 1-12-2015


Today you may see some growth in your day. We have a three day so energy will be heavenly. Life seems to have a pattern of threes. My Grandma used to say that every time someone died, two more would follow because it is the rule of three. 'It all comes in threes.' she would say. Anytime something good or bad happened, there would be at least two more of the same. Seek out love today, Kittens. Take in an art show or draw. Communication is key today so keep that rhythm flowing. Expand your mind, body, and spirit. Be careful today with concentration, you may find yourself daydreaming. Today is a good day for meetings but don't expect them to flow as normal. Three days require being spontaneous. Just let that meeting take form into whatever it needs to be. Three days are wonderful for you to use your imagination and intuition.



Sunday, January 11, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

January 1-11-2015


Oh Kittens do you feel that one energy. Today is January, 1, 11, 2015. You have four ones in just the date alone, but when you add them together you get Master Eleven. Look at that one standing proud and showing off. Look at that one blazing through life and getting new ideas off the ground. Look at that one giving away time or making a new invention. As my Grandma would tell me when I would say no one did this or that, “You are someone! Why didn't you do something?” I would say, “But it is just me alone.” And she would say, “It takes only one to make a difference in the world.” When you think of one and it's energy, know today. But today is more than just one, it is a Master Eleven day equaling two. This means you have someone having your back. You will have some details to concern yourself with over something in business or in spirit. Take the language of love and fill the universe today. Take the balance of eight to make it strong and complete. Take a beauty day and go off to the spa. A beauty day is just like a sick day or a mental health day! You need rest too! Master Eleven is a sensitive teacher. Full of emotions. This could be a fall and get up day, a day of the proverbial rug being pulled from under your feet, but don't worry, you can and will get back up! That is the beauty of eight!



Saturday, January 10, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

January 1-10-2015


Today we have a one day that is born out of the number ten. Ten is a combination between one and zero. What do you know about zero? In math, we are told that zero means nothing. You have nothing when you have zero of something. It is all gone. But when you look at science and the darkness or void. You get a better understanding of zero. Zero is the darkness. We all have spiritual stories of how the light was born in the darkness by a thought. We all know that the darkness brought forth the light of the world for without the darkness, light never would have known it existed. Without zero, one would never have been born for out of nothing came something. If you think back to your birth, you were in darkness, you were zero, until the day you came forth into the light and breathe the fresh air. Now you are something born of nothing. Your thoughts are like that. You can achieve something from nothing if you believe and you know. This is a great day to look for anything you can change for the new. If your business needs something to bring it forward into the light of self sufficiency then find what it is lacking and make it so. Look at what your consumers need by using your heart and soul. Have some compassion for your whole being today. Bring forth that with your business practice. Look at the needs of your community and what you can do to help fill in that void. Use the spirit of one to make something new out of something that isn't there or is old. This is your year to bring in abundance. Eight will help you be prosperous so look for those attainable goals.



Friday, January 9, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

New Year Resolution 8

January 1-9-2015


Eighteen combines both the individuality of one and the balance of eight. One as we know isn't a lonely number but a strong, I can do anything number. It is the number of pioneers. It blazes through everything with the hint of adventure. With eight at its side, it now sees balance and judgment. It wants a balance between power and control. When one and eight combine making eighteen, they then take in nine's energy. Nine wants humanity to be loving, kind, giving, and receiving. Nine is about charity work. Nine wants everyone in love. Nine wants a peaceful world. Nine is the leader of selflessness. Look for charities today that you can give your time and money to. Make sure in this eight year you are looking for ways to lift your spirit with charity. Look for travel opportunities to not only learn, maybe you need a CEU for your professional license, but something you can give back to as well. Look for the win-win opportunities. Today would be a great day to start this. You will have more nine days to achieve this goal but today, start looking.



Thursday, January 8, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

New Year Resolution 7

January 1-8-2015


What are your goals today? Would you like to travel? Would you like to be independent of everyone? What kind of employment do you love and really want to do? This is your day to get to the bottom of it all. You have seventeen equaling eight in an eight year. Your soul sings to you today with all the ideals you ever wanted. It wants you to follow your talents to give you the prosperity you are dreaming of. Today is a great day to give something to someone because the universe will happily give something back to you in return. If you need to organize something, today would be that day to do it. Meditate on what you really want in the future today so your soul can bring it to the universe.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

When Life knocks you down

January 1-7-2015


You know how I mentioned those ups and downs with eight, well, today you are gonna feel that. Our sixteen equalling seven day is going to be a day of you getting up and then falling down. You have a day to rebuild here. Look to transform your business and yourself into something. The rug may be pulled out from under you but you know after every fall, you get back up on your feet. That is the true energy of eight for today. You can have a perfect day today if you remember what eight is teaching you on this seven day. Seven is about spirit and you learning so this is a day for your soul to learn. Use your intuition to break through. Take a time out and sit silently in meditation if you need to. You can achieve every goal you want to by just simply learning every lesson the universe gives you. Be true to yourself today.



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

New Year Resolution 6

January 1-6-2015


Today you get the great opportunity to really put to task all you learned yesterday. We have our mother nurturing us today. Lick your wounds from yesterday and get up. Eight is wonderful about always reminding you that you can be on top again. You now have a day where you can be all knowledgeable and full of understanding. This is your day to know that you are everything you wish to be. This is your day of truth. Your soul will guide you today. This is a great day for responsibilities and service. Today you will long for the work day to be done so you can be home with your loved ones. Look for an emotional day of ups and downs. This is a full day of emotions, harmony, love, nurturing, and all the motherly energy six can give us. This is the day of the woman with both six and eight being feminine numbers. Look to your soul and heart for advice today.



Monday, January 5, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

New Year Resolution 5

January 1-5-2015


Oh me, oh my! What a day of KARMA!!!! We have fourteen at our door equaling the number five. Five is all about that freedom we all love but with fourteen at the door, you know eight is going to be there looking for justice. Be very careful today with your thoughts, your deeds, your words, and your actions. Look for it to be a day of calling you out. Be cautious about money today. This a wisdom day and when wisdom is around you can bet your lucky stars you will be taught an important lesson. Today look for growing opportunities and experiences. This is a day when eight can get CRAZY and bring you down just to show you that you can get back up tomorrow. Today look for challenges and look for those weird ideas that help you think of a new invention or product. Today you are giving an open opportunity for change leading to FREEDOM! Eight will help you take your risks and you may just find yourself on the verge of an innovated business. Today remember to watch out for any type of power and control issues you have. This will lead you to those unwanted eight balancing acts teaching you a lesson. Don't try to be the over powering, domineering, greedy gut. That will surely bring you into eights full court of justice. You may not like the outcome. Stay focused Kittens on the bigger picture of goals that you can attain making you successful in this eight year.



Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers

New Year Resolution 4

January 1-4-2015


Four is always our door to home. When everything else fails we have our doors and windows to open for new opportunities. Four is part of eight so it lends major energy to anything eight does. This is your transformation day. Organize your thoughts, day, ideas, and anything else you need today. This is your day to clean house so to speak. Get our your planner and get those ideas motivated. The four energy today is about hard work and eight is all about getting there with the sweat of your brow. Use this day to bring in anything new to your home business. If you need to get someone to co-operate with you. This is your day to shed the old plan of last year or other years and grasp the new. Today will make you want to move on something. This energy is about discipline with eights judgment against you. If you want to manifest that mother load of money, you are going to need days like today. Remember to stay on the positive side of the eight and not get too greedy. This is a great day for you to run and make those plans. Balance everything out today. Show the universe how hard working you are and that you are ready to get in there, get dirty, and get what you really want!



Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers 1-3-2015

New Years Resolution 3

January 1-3-2015


Three days, three days, rolly polly three days! Three is the trinity as most know it but did you know it is a day for creativity. Let your mind roll and get those advertising ideas out. Today will help you with that. You eight year is giving you opportunity to thrive and three is giving you that creative drive. Use today to communicate with everyone including the universe what your ideas are for moving forward. Look for a way to grow your business. Look and see if you need to expand. Maybe this year you are looking to add another branch to your already successful business. Go with the rhythm and the beat of the universe. Be that strong, individual with boundaries and principles. Here eight will give you courage to sing. Eight will give you the ability to take your risks on your dreams with three giving you the energy to think in a new creative way. Set a really good attainable goal today especially if you need that creative energy to figure out how to create new revenue. You go girl! You can do this! You have a whole day of cheerleaders behind you! Go, Go, Go, all the way!



Friday, January 2, 2015

Take a look up in the sky tonight and see the spectacular show the Universe made for you.

The Quanrantids Metor Shower is visible now. It started on January 1, 2015 and will end on Januray 5, 2015. The best time to view will be on January 3, 2015 from 10p.m-5 a.m. or so on January 4, 2015. Look up and see a great show from the Universe.

Today's Lucky Lotto Numbers 1-2-2015

January 1-2-2015


Here is a great day to work on your spirit. Remember your lessons from last year and focus on how to grow. Double one or eleven is a special number because it repeats itself kind of like your mother. Eleven has a special message for you and is your teacher on the road. With eight being the year, you can bet that karma will play today. Be concerned with the details. Keep a journal of all that this year teaches you. Use the master numbers energy to really help you explore your dreams. Eleven will help you with balance which eight is all about. Look for opportunities to help others today. Ask yourself how your new business plan can benefit your community. This will be a blessing on your path of eight.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Today's Lucky numbers 1-1-2015

New Years Resolution 2

January 1-1-2015


How wonderful that we start our new year off with a new beginning of one. Today focus on justice. Eight is our year and is about justice combined with karma. Look for leadership opportunities that will bring out your individuality and show how original you really are. Use your instincts to help you land the right way. This is a great day to be the pioneer. Show your independence and know that you are going to be looking at new changes. This is your lucky day! This is a great day for humanitarian choices. Here is a great way for you to bring peace and harmony to all by using your eight year of hard work. You can do this.



Happy New Year!!!

May your year be prosperous. May your year be abundant. May all your dreams come true this year.

From the whole gang to you!

Happy New Year!!!

2015 A Business Odyssey:The Year of 8

As we leave a seven year that dealt with our spirits and our healing, we come to the place where everything we learned about our souls is now about to manifest into our goals becoming successful. As we leave the nurturing seven behind and thank that year for our personal growth, we know that the hardships we had concerning our abundance was to grow into what eight can pull forth. Seven was our year to learn, grow in knowledge, dream, argue, and force ourselves into new spiritual beings. Seven was our guide to our inner selves. Seven helped us to pull out of what we couldn't let go of so that eight can pull us into what we really want to do.

Eight is amazing. When you look at eight you can either put two circles on top or you can swirl it. When you think about the swirl or doing figure eights, you see how you start at the top, maneuver down to the bottom, come around the opposite way heading to the top. That swirl should give you all you need to think about what it is like to have an eight year! Eight tells you, you can start out on top but end up at the bottom quickly, but you will always reach the top again. Eight shows you the pit falls but balances it with the highs. It shows you that if you get too greedy, you will fall to the bottom, but if you persevere, you will come back out on top of the world. People who are on the path of 8, never see bankruptcy or loss of a business as a failure. They see the success that will come from more hard work.

This will be the year of as above, so below. If you are looking to manifest something, this is your time. Now is where all the hard work of positive affirmations and changing how you speak takes place. As you know, in order to get out of debt, you must eliminate the word “debt” from your vocabulary. You should say something along the lines of, “Great. This bill just came. I have the money to pay it and I am helping to fulfill employment opportunities for other people.” Or “I am financially free and I can pay for all I want.” You get the picture. You need to use something to get the negative out of your head and see the greater picture. Speaking of the greater picture, with the number 8, adding the vocabulary into sentences like the first one is excellent since 8 is about balance and humanity. Having sentences such as,”I have all the money I need to take care of my luxuries which help fulfill the dreams of so many small businesses employing many of my neighbors.” are going to be excellent this year.

It is the symbol of infinity. A sideways eight meaning boundless. Eight is about balance as well. It is about careers, finances, business, authority and intelligence. You need to keep your life balanced this year. You need to remember you spiritual side and balance that with your materialistic side. Justice also come with 8 and the infinity symbol.

This year you will reap all you sow. Remember that when you are doing anything important. If you put out anything negatively it will come back to you especially this year. Eight is the headliner of the Universal Law of Truth which is all about cause and effect. People see this as Karma. I want you to know this since eight is a balancing judge. Eight is fair. Eight is justice. So if you are in the habit of screwing someone over in business affairs, then guess what is coming to you this year! You got it. You are going to get screwed! Take heed of this advice for when you are doing any type of business plan with someone.

In an eight year, you always want to set goals. Eight is about goals and you focusing on them while adding all your ambition to achieving it.

The great number eight is ruled by Saturn and Saturn also rules over Saturday. You can expect Saturdays to be the day that anything eight related will be enhanced to your benefit. Key lessons and benefits will happen on any day ruled by Saturn. Saturn like eight is concerned with Karma. Saturn is a master teacher so you should be aware of this. This is your year for growth.

Eight is in love with prosperity. This is your year to thrive if you listen well. Remember karma. Greed will be your down fall in this eight year. If you work hard and set your goals right, you will achieve all your dreams with eights energy helping you to push through. This is your year to create a business and make it successful so long as you remember that you can fall to the bottom of eight for a bit but the ups of eight will make you the success you so want to be.