Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015 3/24/15


KennyWennyPenny has a new client. That client needs to bring in prosperity to her new business. KennyWennyPenny goes to her shop to look around. He is the greatest Money Reiki Master on the planet and he knows how to get the wealth to flow. He performs his Money Reiki Healing with her at the store first. It is always important to heal any past negative energies you have with money before you start wanting it to flow freely in life. He educates her on how her feelings toward money impacts her business. The reason the money isn't flowing is because she can't love money for the prosperity it brings her. She fears the wealth. She stops the flow with her fear.

Today is an Eight day and Eight wants you to succeed. Eight will balance you out so you can bring in that abundance. Eight is about power and authority. Use your voice and tell the Universe exactly what you want. Eight is about receiving what you sow. Make your harvest abundant by planting the right seeds. Eight is about justice and truth so be careful when doing something that is wrong.

If you have a Snowflake Obsidian use it today for your visualization, if not, use a Smokey Quartz. Focus on what seeds you can plant today to bring about that harvest tomorrow. Look to where you want your company to grow and expand.  


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