Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25, 2015 3/25/15


Tweetles is taking a day off. He comes across some sparrows. They ask him to do some errands for them. Tweetles goes about all day doing things for other sparrows. He starts to get exhausted. Finally, he realizes he just needs to say NO to them. Tweetles has a bunch of projects at his own nest that need completing.

Today is a Nine day and our day of completion. Nine's energy focuses on humanity. Nine energy gives you a push to say NO to people. Nine energy is there for you to be charitable but not the doormat to society. Nine says it is great to be an amazing person but not when it is wearing you down. You can't help someone else if you are unhealthy.

Grab either a blue or green obsidian or even an opal for today's meditation. Look at yourself. Ask yourself if you are overextending yourself somewhere. It is great to be a giving person but sometimes you need to give to yourself. See yourself hiking in the woods and loving yourself completely. Look inward. See you looking your best and completing that deal for your business. See yourself smiling. You know you are special. Love yourself and see how much farther you can go.  


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lost material

I apologize to all. My computer crashed and I lost all my Lucky Lotto photos with the numerology reports. As soon as I can recover the information, I will post what I have left. I am trying to get my pictures back so I can make more Lucky Lotto.

Please know I am truly sorry for the inconvenience.


March 24, 2015 3/24/15


KennyWennyPenny has a new client. That client needs to bring in prosperity to her new business. KennyWennyPenny goes to her shop to look around. He is the greatest Money Reiki Master on the planet and he knows how to get the wealth to flow. He performs his Money Reiki Healing with her at the store first. It is always important to heal any past negative energies you have with money before you start wanting it to flow freely in life. He educates her on how her feelings toward money impacts her business. The reason the money isn't flowing is because she can't love money for the prosperity it brings her. She fears the wealth. She stops the flow with her fear.

Today is an Eight day and Eight wants you to succeed. Eight will balance you out so you can bring in that abundance. Eight is about power and authority. Use your voice and tell the Universe exactly what you want. Eight is about receiving what you sow. Make your harvest abundant by planting the right seeds. Eight is about justice and truth so be careful when doing something that is wrong.

If you have a Snowflake Obsidian use it today for your visualization, if not, use a Smokey Quartz. Focus on what seeds you can plant today to bring about that harvest tomorrow. Look to where you want your company to grow and expand.  


Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 3/23/15


Cutie is at work negotiating a new contract with a client who is slightly depressed. Cutie decides to use his intuition and talk to the client for a little while. He puts is foot on the client and sees bits of what the client has experienced in the past. He knows if he can help this client overcome the past, this person will be a great leader to his people.

Today is a Seven day and you are going to see mystery around you. You are going to find yourself using your psychic abilities today. You can bring all the miracles of your life into this day but focusing on that Seven energy.

Today take out your Rose Quartz and get your visualization ready. Breathe in, all the way down to your belly, and breathe all that old energy out. Relax. See yourself making that money and using your gut feelings in your business deals. See yourself reaching that golden dollar in the sky.

Just a thought for anyone starting a new business. You may be able to find people out there that need a job but are willing to volunteer hours to help you get your business up and running. Some people need to have hours for benefits since they are poor. This will help them create skills and help you with your lack of employees.  


Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015 3/22/15


Cutie can't wait for his work day to be over. At Noon he goes to his favorite tea and coffee cafe. He goes in to see Old Joe. Joe was once all about money and success, but that is when he was a young bird. He was captured by people as a baby in a nest and made to perform. Then he was neglected and abuse. Left in a cage to die, he was rescued. Now he lives his life spreading love and reuniting others with their families. Old Joe tells stories to anyone who will sit and listen. Many children say they learn so much from Old Joe and he brings smiles to everyone's face. He pours coffee and cooks food while searching for other people's families. He tells everyone he can't wait until he finally finds his family but until then, everyone here is his family and he calls this home.

Today is a six day and your energy will feel like Cutie and Joe's. You will long for home, unconditional love, and just wanting that teacher, healer, nurturer, or truth. Take out your humanitarian side today. Six is about service to others.

Today grab an Apache Tear or Onyx. This will help you with your visualization. Think about your peaceful place where you are laughing and have you family around you. Remember that family isn't always the people who are biologically related to us, but anyone in our inner circle who we depend upon to love and nurture us.

Today is a Master Number day as well. We have a Master Builder day. Use it to build your dreams into reality. Take part of your visualization today and make it about your business growth.  


Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21, 2015 3/21/15


Cutie set out on a playful day. He wanted freedom from all the stress of being the top Reiki Master in the whole school. Cutie started walking down the road. He was traveling to see is buddy, a dog named Max! Max is just a puppy and full of energy. Cutie loves to see Max since it brings out the child in him.

This is the energy of the five day. It is about wanting your childhood and freedom. Five relates to the Reiki Principals as well. We have Five Principals we live by as Reiki Masters. 

On Five days expect to learn something through your life experience. Use sympathy and be active. Tell stories and be free. 


Lucky Lotto

Friday, March 20, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 20, 2015 3/20/15


We have our door to prosperity day! Grab your Tiger's Eye today and look to building your foundation of hope, faith, and love. Four's energy is earthly and grounding. Your Tiger's Eye is your key to taping into that four energy. Tiger's Eye is great for protection so use it in conjunction with four's energy to protect your property. Remember to be a turtle when you think about earth energy. Take the day slow and keep dreaming.

Don't forget to look up today at the sky. We have a total solar eclipse happening crossing high above the Arctic. It will be 29 degrees of Pisces. This means you can expect something mystical to happen today. Miracles are on the horizon. You may feel like you are pulled in opposite directions today. What is nice is Neptune is about opening doors and we have a four day which is all about those opening of karmic doors. As you know Pisces are sensitive and dreamers. Your dreams are about to be opened into something bigger and that has an emotional toll on everyone. Your dreams can be fulfilled this year. Everything in the Universe screams at you to have some faith and move your mountains.

We also have the Spring Equinox happening today. The Sun is entering Aries today as well. Expect adventure, new beginnings, and fiery conversations. Today the Sun and Moon will be equal. That should bring your focus to equality in your life. Mars energy will be flowing like mad as well today so don't go out looking for a war because you will find it.

Remember to start today with your visualization. Breathe in to your belly, filling it completely, clear your mind, breathe out. See your day being built upon and see your foundation of money keeping you balanced and in harmony.

Write in your goal journals. Keep track of all your gratitude. Always remember to say thank you daily. It will bring you in more abundance.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 19, 2015 3/19/15

You may want to purchase some crystals for your business to meditate on. Some basic crystals you may want to purchase are: Golden Topaz, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Agate, Apache Tear, Obsidian, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Amethyst, Pearl, Opal, Tiger's Eye, Emerald, and Jade. A great plant to obtain for your business that is very hardy and brings great energy is a lucky bamboo. You can purchase a jade Budda, elephant, unicorn, or any other decorative statue made of jade. This can be placed in your office next to the lucky bamboo. In Feng Shui, they say to put it in the Southeast corner or go by your Kua Number. Actually, I learned that Feng Shui is all about you being happy. I love to place the plant and jade in the shady part next to the window. This way the plant gets some sunlight but not too much.

Today is our three day. Grab your amethyst, jade, and bloodstone. Now sit comfortably and start clearing your mind. Breathe in, all the way to your belly, and breathe out. Now envision your day. Take your Camel for a walk around the desert and start seeing the sand transform into a lush green garden. The camel will help you endure the task of transforming this desolate land into something sustainable.

When you are done, write in your goal journal any inspiration you got while taking a journey on your camel. 

Today is the day to write out your abundance checks. You have 24 hours to get that done.


March's Abundance Check

Make sure you fill this out today. You have 24 hours before the New Moon to write your check!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 18, 2015 3/18/15


Today grab your smokey quartz, jade, and agate. This is a day to bring balance into your business. We shall achieve protection and prosperity for today by focusing on that energy. You should start each business day with a meditation before you open. You are going to want to breathe in, all the way to your belly, fill it up, and then slowly let it out. Sit in your chair comfortably and hold your stones. Now envision your day. See yourself going into the office, sitting down, talking to clients, selling product, or whatever other type of employment you have. See yourself smiling. See your day going as smoothly as you want. See your day as a beautiful day. See your clients putting money in your hand. Make sure you keep breathing in, all the way to your belly, and then out.

Don't forget to keep up on your goal journals. If you really want to see yourself as successful, this is a great way. You can then look back to day one and know how far your business has traveled. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 17, 2015 3/17/15


Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!! We have an independent decision of one. Be festive today and make a celebration at work. You need some fun there or you will hate going. Work without passion is dull, boring, and resentful. You need to be out there doing what you love or you won't be able to help anyone. Today bring in your gold and see your pot filled. It is spilling over because you found the end of the rainbow. Begin a new adventure today and love being on that path not knowing where it will lead. Remember to spread your seeds on the ground for harvest time.

Today we have the last of the Pluto/Uranus Squares taking place in the signs of Capricorn and Aries. They go in a series of Seven and started in June of 2012. Today you will be feeling that push to end something or change something so you can transform into your most beautiful soul. Pluto is the planet of power and transformation. Pluto will be 15 degrees of Capricorn. Uranus is the planet of freedom and rebellion some say innovation as well. Uranus will be 12 degrees of Aries. Breathe through the stress of this square and know you are transforming into a great being.

With this being a one day, you can expect that chaos in the heavens to lead you to a great start. End what you need that isn't in your best interest right now so you can take the next step forward!

Green and Gold are great colors when you want prosperity, so be Irish today and wear that green!!!


Monday, March 16, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 16, 2015 3/16/15


Make your new life. We have a nine day of completion. This is your chance to grab the fruit and plant it with its seed. We reap what we sow this year and we want great things for harvest time. Ask yourself what can be planted and harvested for the next week and get that into your goal journals. Today you will be able to complete that contract or have a final meeting. Something new will be coming tomorrow so today is a great day to end something. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 15, 2015 3/15/15


This is a profitable day for you. Today also has double the fifteen energy. Look for a day full of spunk. This is a kick your ass type day. Today is a great day for getting those business contracts out the door. This is an eight day with tons of one and five energy. Look for balance today with all your dealings. Be gutsy today and really be authoritative. You have freedom loving, fun loving, five on your side so rebel with confidence.


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pie Day!

Lucky Lotto

March 14, 2015 3/14/15


Happy Pi day, Kittens! Today is 3.1415. Pi is really a long number. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 and the numbers keep on going.

Ah a day of spirituality and PI. We have seven at our helm today. This is all about rest today. After yesterday, you may want to stay home and sleep. Rebuild your life today and plant what you need to make an excellent harvest tomorrow. Use your intuition wisely and save as much money as you can. Make a plan for saving so you can have plenty when times become lean. This is your year of being up one moment and down the next but with wisdom you can keep yourself from struggling too much by being prepared.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 13, 2015 3/13/15


Another day where you are just gonna want to stay home and in bed. Most are going to be freaked out because it is Friday the 13th. Not to fear, Kittens. KennyWennyPenny is here and I can tell you today is a six day. Today is a connection day. It is a hook day. It is a day of service and stability. Ride your waves today knowing you will get full benefit from all you place down in the soil. You can raise your soul today and know you have greatness on your side.  


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 12, 2015 3/12/15


Take a chance today. You have a five day and with that comes great growth and unexpected change. Five is our window of opportunity. It is full of fire and sometimes people see it as a fireplace. You have security when you think of home and a fireplace. This is your day of freedom to go and blaze a new path. Use today wisely, Kittens. You have a Master Teaching month combined with a year of Karma. You know the lessons will be about what your soul needs to grow, learn, and become. Walk your path with truth and justice. Be fair and know you will get the best rewards since you are the best individual.  


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 11, 2015 3/11/15


Today you are getting that double dose of eleven. Look for major teaching to happen today. You will feel like you fell but pick yourself up and keep on going. You can do this. This is your Master Teacher day but it equals four so you know you have a door to choose that will get you out of whatever you are in. Choose your door wisely and you will find an excellent surprise.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 10, 2015 3/10/15


Important ideas will come your way today and you may want to sit on your camels hump for a while to ponder them. Look for your divine purpose and as the trinity of gods for help. Three days are about friends and social abilities. This is your day to get out there to a social event with friends and promote your business. Pass out business cards at a social function to people. This is a great day to get your business out there by word of mouth.  


Monday, March 9, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 9, 2015 3/9/15


Harmony is the game today. We have a two day. Time to build up your house. Use two as the foundation of pillars that will keep your home balanced. Today, be a great listener and look for ways you can build your business properly so you have a firm foundation. Listen to what clients are telling you and look for any way you can improve. Remember, we are in a year where we really need to transform ourselves and Karma is our bus driver. You reap what you sow this year so look at how you can do so positively.  


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 8. 2015 3/8/15


We are starting a new today and really new. We have an eight day with an eight year and the day equals one. Fresh start for anyone needing it. Today start with a new client. Get your business out there with a brand new logo or advertise with a new company like radio or a newspaper. You can use that new idea to bring in new clients that didn't know you existed before.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 7, 2015 3/7/15


Today be generous of heart and know you will be taught something. We have a nine day, Kittens. Nine days are filled with completion. This your day to lead and do something to give back. Use this day for Universal Love and see what you get back. This is a great time to help a charity to promote your business.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 6, 2015 3/6/15


Today should be awesome. You should have great fortune knocking at your door. Today is an eight day and eight is about justice and balance. Eight is about good judgement. You can make great decisions today for your business. This day also has six to help you do what is right for your home and your family as well as yourself. Drive your camel on in through the fence and start a brand new creation.  


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 5, 2015 3/5/15


Today is a seven day, but it really equals sixteen. Do you know how you get sixteen? You add eight plus eight. Expect a double dose of eight power today, Kittens. This is is going to be a major Karma day. As soon as you get up, you may fall down. Watch yourself today. Rebuild whatever you can today with love. 


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 4, 2015 3/4/15


Eleven is our month and year combined. That means all month look to be taught a lesson. That being said, we have a six day today. Home on the range. Your gonna want your family today and not be at work or any place else. Your going to want truth and order today as well. Six is so much about your home and family that you can bet all lessons today will be about your house and your family members.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 3, 2015 3/3/15


Five is our window day. Some even say it is our hearth day or day of fireplace. Fire and five. Let in the air and spark the fire. Five is about freedom and being resourceful. We have a three day so your camel will be on your back. Look for Karma today. It may come in threes.  


Monday, March 2, 2015

Lucky Lotto

March 2, 2015 3/2/15


We have a four day today. It is our door to a better life. Walk your camel through the door and make a new home. We have a two day and two is our pillar of balance. Look for balance today.

Four is our home number. This is a day of logic and problem-solving. Transformation is the game today. Look for ways you can transform your life and business.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

God's Angels

March 1, 2015 3/1/15


This month is a three month. Three is the Camel and the Trinity. Everything comes in threes. Combined with eight ( our new creation, look out for karma, year) we have eleven our Master Teacher. This month will be about you getting your lessons in to change your soul. We have a one day starting us out giving us strength and independence. Together, they equal twelve being three. This is your camel month and day. Camels are used in the desert for long journeys. They can store water in their humps to last for days. What can you take from the camel? Endurance, transportation, protection, survival, journey, and strength are but a few of the qualities of the camel. Camels will travel and transport goods at any cost. They spit when angry. They will fight when needed. As you travel down your path, take the camels attitude with you. This month will really give you that strength and ability.


Lucky Lotto