Saturday, March 20, 2010

Distressed homing pigeon

by Psychic Lonnie ext. 5185

Nancy from Oklahoma City writes:

We had a bedraggled white pigeon -- we believe a homing pigeon -- come to our door two years ago. She literally pecked on the door and waited until we let her in. She lives in our home in a large cage. She doesn't want to be out of the cage, nor does she want us to bother her. She will step up on my hand, but only for brief periods of time. She spends all of her time just sitting in the back of her cage on one of her perches.

She seems healthy enough -- she is just not that interested in us. When I talk to her, she clearly pays attention and sometimes will reward me with a coo. She doesn't like my husband at all. When she doesn't want to be bothered, she will try to bite us or hit us with her wings. (We assume she is female, but suspect really a male.) Is there anything we can do to make our pigeon happier? She isn't interested in toys and things -- just hanging out on her perch. I mix her food for max nutrition and she likes it, especially brown rice.

Hello Nancy,

Thanks for writing. My Spirit Guide is telling me that your pigeon is indeed female. And, yes, she was a homing pigeon, which is why she is a little temperamental -- she is use to working. She doesn't play with toys because she was trained strictly for homing and doesn't know how. Her handler was a man, who treated her not very gently. This is why she's sensitive to your husband.

She is very happy and content in your home. She feels secure in the cage. It's just her personality. How to make her happier: try slowly allowing her on the table ... I suspect that she will enjoy walking around a little bit. Put some treats next to and on top of a new toy, and she might come around to playing.

The reason she bites and hits sometimes is because her left eye is very sensitive. Try putting her closer to the window.

Happy bird baths and windy kisses,


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