Friday, March 4, 2011

Kenny's Meditation to Help Move Blockages Dealing with Debt

What you need:
A bill
A green candle
A green piece of paper
A green ink pen, pencil or crayon
Bergamot oil
Cinnamon incense
A cup of water.

Take 5 drops of Bergamot oil and add it to the cup of water.
Find a spot that is quiet where you can meditate.
Get into that mental place that you need to create a spiritual area.
Take the green candle and light it.
Take the Cinnamon incense and light it.
Keep breathing.
Keep relaxing.
Go deeper.
Now take the green ink pen and green paper
Write upon it the amount of your bill
Sprinkle it with the Bergamot water
Relax and chant

This bill I received
The money I was not given
The Universe supplies
What I can not

Go deeper.

Rip up the paper and throw it out the door.
Then say

Out the door goes my bill
Out the door goes my stress
The money will come to me
The Universe now oversees

Go back to your spot.
Go deeper.

When you are ready snuff out the candle

You should feel less stress and know that your bill will get paid
Remember to always take action
You can work out any bill.
This too shall pass
Let the stress go


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