Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We need to send healing to Mother Earth Kittens, Urgent!

It appears that an earthquake has hit Chile's capital city, Santiago. It was recorded as 5.3. This may be a cry from Earth for help. Let's send some energy to our planet so she may get better. 

We live here.
We eat here.
Here we are born.
Here we shall die.
The Earth is my home.
Without this planet I would cease to exist.
I love my planet.
I love my home.
I am grateful for the life it gives me no matter where I roam.
I shall do my best to take care of her each and every day.
I honor my Mother in every way.
May the grass always be green.
May the sky always be blue.
May your heart combine with mine. 
To our planet be true.


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