Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015 2/1/15


This is the start of a new month. We have two plus eight equaling ten which becomes one. This means we have a pioneering, new month with one energy power. Ten focuses on justice and independence. One's energy is about being a leader. One is strong and can stand alone. Two's energy is about being a mediator and harmony. Eight is our General Manager of the year. Eight will help us keep our businesses successful. As we have discussed before, zero is nothing so we form something out of nothing with zero. We emerge from the darkness into the light, that is zero energy going into one.

Today is a Master Teacher day with eleven. This our day to be illuminated. Karma will be tops today and every eleven day this year. We have eight to thank for that one. Eleven is the higher self of two meaning we are going to see some diplomacy in our day along with any trials that are needed for our growth. Eleven wants us to grow, change, and become a better soul. Today will be about harmony and love. Balance is the key word today. Use it wisely.

Remember to keep up with your goals. Success if yours for the taking.



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