Sunday, June 13, 2010

10 Animal Gods and Goddesses from Egypt

Top 10 Animal Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Egypt
Submitted by MalcolmJ

If you think that people in modern western society are obsessive about their
Pets, get a load of the ancient Egyptians. Throughout ancient Egyptian
History, particularly from around 700 BC until 400 AD, there is evidence
That certain animals – all from cows to cats, dogs, birds, fish and even
Lowly beetles (scarabs) – were worshipped as being able to communicate with
The gods, and even serve as their living embodiments on earth.

As Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo Salima Ikram
Described in a pair of exclusive video interviews with Heritage Key,
Egyptians would rely on these creatures to foretell the future and even
Settle petty disputes over matters such as inheritance and property. At the
End of their life, they would sometimes be mummified with all the care and
Attention given to a human dignitary. Here we give our top ten countdown of
Animal gods in ancient Egypt.

1. Sobek (crocodile)
Sobek – a huge crocodile god, sometimes shown as a man with a crocodile's
Head – was a deity not to be trifled with. He was a huge, fierce beast
Associated with the idea of the sun going down to sleep at night – like a
Crocodile plunging deep into water – and being resurrected again in the

2. Sekhmet (lioness)
The lioness was the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians, and so the
Natural embodiment of Sekhmet – a warrior goddess, linked to strength, rage,
Plagues and healing. Her image is commons in tombs; over seven hundred
Statues of Sekhmet are thought to have once stood in the funerary temple of
Amenhotep III alone.

3. Horus (hawk)
As a god of the sky, sun and war – among other things – Horus was one of the
Oldest and most dignified deities in ancient Egypt. He therefore wasn't
Represented by just any old animal, but a composite "superhawk" – with a
falcon's eyes and an eagle's plumage among his constituent parts.

4. Thoth (ibis)
Thoth was the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing, who is often depicted as
The ibis – a long-legged wading-bird. The ibis' thin, curved beak looks a
Little like a pen, so it's easy to see how the Egyptians associated it with
This deity of the written word.

5. Khepri (scarab beetle)
Khepri was linked to rebirth, renewal, and resurrection, and represented by
The lowly scarab beetle. This was because of the bug's habit of laying eggs
In the corpses of other animals and in dung – the ancient Egyptians believed
This indicated that scarab beetles were actually made of reborn dead matter.

Many of the most deadly species of scorpions in the world can be found in
North Africa, so Serqet was kept busy by the Egyptians.
6. Serqet (scorpion)
Serqet was the deification of the scorpion, and the goddess of healing bites
And stings – hence her embodiment as a scorpion. Many of the most deadly
Species of scorpions in the world can be found in North Africa, so Serqet
Was kept busy by the Egyptians.

7. Bast or Bastet (cat)
Cats were especially sacred animals in Egyptian culture, for their ability
To kill rats and vermin and even snakes. Bast, a solar and war goddess, was
One of a number of deities that took feline form. Bast's cult was centered
At Bubastis; when her temple there was excavated, more than 300,000
Mummified cats were discovered inside.

8. Taweret (hippopotamus)

The crocodile god, Sobek, at the temple de Kom Ombo. Image by Marie-Hélène
Male hippos were thought to be evil creatures in cahoots with the god of
Chaos Set (see below). Female hippos, on the other hand, were seen to be
Benevolent beasts that represented Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of
Fertility, childbirth and protection.

9. Meretseger (cobra)
Meretseger – which means "she who loves silence" – was a vengeful goddess
Said to spit venom into the eyes of criminals. She became closely associated
With the Valley of the Kings, and was believed sit on the pyramid-shaped
Mountain overlooking the ancient Egyptian grave yard, guarding against tomb
Robbers and vandals.

10. Set (unknown)
God of storms, darkness and the desert Set is interesting, simply because no
One can be certain what type of animal he's is – a composite of an aardvark,
Donkey and jackal is as close as you'll get. "He is the god of chaotic
Forces," states Ikram. "That's why he doesn't look like any one single
Animal that one can identify." 

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