Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Seven Secrets

The Seven Secrets

June 15, 2010 at 1:11 am
By Alys Cusack
“The Law of Attraction,” also known as “The Secret,” is a commonly known and applied “universal law.” But are there more? Yes: There are, in fact, seven secrets or Hermetic Laws, all of which can be followed to produce greater happiness and empowerment in life. Said to have originated in Ancient Egypt, these seven laws are the foundation of much of the psychic art. Take a look:
1. The Law of Mind.
Everything in the universe is mind. Everything is composed of mind. This is why psychic abilities work: deep down, the universe we live in is composed of intelligent energy and information – mind. Therefore, whatever you think strongly is sure to ultimately manifest in one way or the other – so think carefully!
2. The Law of Correspondence.
Everything and everybody in the universe is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There is no part of your life – no action that you take – that is not intimately connected with everything else. We can’t behave badly in one aspect of our life and not expect it to spill over into the other aspects of our life. Conversely, when we accumulate positive karma, it can improve every facet of our lives. Try regularly donating money or food to the homeless and see how your life changes!
3. The Law of Vibration.
Everything in the universe is vibration. This law has recently been (re)discovered by science – look up “superstring theory.” Energy is vibration, thoughts are vibration, dreams are vibration, words are vibration – and so is matter. So it’s no surprise that energy, thoughts, dreams and words can affect matter if properly cultivated.
4. The Law of Polarity.
Everything in the universe is dual. Dark implies light. Light implies dark. In truth, they are the same thing. We can never have one without the other, for they are two sides of the same coin – just like wealth and poverty, misery and happiness, love and hate. Everything contains and will ultimately become its opposite, and back again.
5. The Law of Rhythm.
Everything in the universe changes. This is unavoidable. Our partners change, our friends change, our jobs changes, our countries change. Ultimately, our bodies change, and we transition out of this life. Many find this depressing. But on the other hand – even unfavorable conditions change. Nothing lasts forever, even death. And everything has its natural rhythm of change which we can align to: from the movement of the seasons to the movements of the planets to the movements of our lives.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect.
Everything in the universe is the result of something else in the universe. This is also known as the Law of Karma, or Newton’s Third Law of Action: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Just as the second law reminds us, nothing in the universe happens in a vacuum: for every action you take, there will be an equal and opposite reaction, and like attracts like. Treat the universe the way you’d like it to treat you!
7. The Law of Gender.
Everything in the universe is male, female, or both. And like with the fourth law, each implies its opposite. With a bit of attention to this principle in daily life, we can begin to keenly observe how to best combine things.
Spending a bit of time thinking about each of these principles will provide numerous ways in which they can be applied in daily life.

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