Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill Intention

So I’d like to suggest that hold our intention every day at 1 pm Eastern Daylight Savings time for BP’s engineers and all involved parties to be successful in their efforts to end the Gulf oil spill and to clean up the sea, marine habitat and surrounding beaches.

Check here for the time in your time zone:

Remember, as angry as we are about the situation, let’s maintain a positive intention to BP’s engineers who are working, much as the Apollo 13 engineers did, on creating a new means to stave the flow of oil. Our intention should support all of BP’s efforts to create diversionary relief wells for the spill, with minimum impact on the ecosystem of the seas.
Every day that you can, please come onto our website at 1 pm Eastern DST to send the following intention. As you send this intention, please mentally imagine the relief wells being successfully dripped. Imagine with all your five senses in great detail.
‘My intention is for BP’s engineers to immediately and successfully divert the Deepwater Horizon oil leak with no long-term damage to the environment.’

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