Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tree of Consciousness

All levels of consciousness intersect with each other, we are born into the lowest domain on our consciousness, which is the earthly, or physical.

Through the process of ritual many people are able to raise their energy frequency/vibration, however this cannot be a permanent change, that comes with development and experience

To reach these higher levels/degrees on a more permanent basis, the individual must undergo different paths and aspects within their life in order for the evolution of consciousness to occur.

By working closely with Ninhursag, Temple of the Ancients have been able to create a Tree of Consciousness within the Sumerian way. While there is acknowledgement that in ancient times, human understanding was more simplistic, this tree formation brings the Sumerian beliefs into a more modern evolutionary energy understanding, that every person within our beliefs can benefit from.

As the caduceus is already representative of the masculine and feminine energies, it is a perfect basis for showing how the consciousness evolution works. We begin at the bottom, where all energies loop, where birth and rebirth (reincarnation) occur.

Through the travels upwards, we reach certain stages of enlightenment where energy vibrations change, there are 6 levels, each representative of a particular element, the 4 basic elements, the spirit element and the culmination into the universal energies, or Source element.

Physical Consciousness

The first level of consciousness (physical) is associated with the Earth element. Within this level are the aspects of Birth and Rebirth, the beginning stages of life, it is the physicality of the realms.
Particular astrological signs that are associated with this stage of consciousness are: Taurus; Virgo and Capricorn

Astral Consciousness

The second level of consciousness is the astral, associated with the Air element. THis is the evolutionary step in consciousness which raises our awareness and vibration on an etheric level. Within this level we discover the spiritual aspects of ourselves. Reincarnation can still occur on this level as the astral/etheric consciousness still bases itself off the realm of physicality.
The astrological signs associated with this level are: Gemini; Libra and Aquarius

Mental Consciousness

The third level of consciousness is the Mental aspect. In this state our spiritual selves begin the transformation from the physical to the higher realms of consciousness. This level is associated with the Fire element, the element of transformation
Unless the Gods have determined that the soul needs to reincarnate for a specific reason, reincarnation on this raised energy vibration cannot occur as the spirit/energy begins the journey of shedding its physical form and associations.
The astrological signs associated with this level are: Aries; Leo and Sagittarius

Spiritual Consciousness

The fourth level of consciousness is that of the Spiritual. This level is associated with the Water element, the element of illumination and higher spirituality. In the physical realm/shell (ie. human) Spiritual consciousness can be reached to a certain extent, however full transformation of energy to this level is not possible without shedding all physical form and attachments.
This is the evolutionary step of our development when we move from the physical and physically associated to the complete mental and spiritual vibration. Those who enter the spiritual level of consciousness are known to the lower energy levels as Guides, Guardians, Ascended Masters etc.
The astrological signs associated with this level are: Cancer; Scorpio and Pisces

Divine Consciousness

The fifth level of consciousness is that of Divinity. This is the level of transcending to God forms. Not every soul reaches this level, this soul group/consciousness reigns over the other 4 lower energy levels. It is associated with the element of Spirit/Akasha. It is the complete transformation from the physical consciousness to the Divine consciousness.
There are no astrological signs associated with this level.

Source Consciousness

The sixth and complete level of consciousness is that of the Source, or universal energy.
God forms, in the level of divine consciousness all transcend to this level, where all energy forms are dispersed and they join the universal energies which govern every aspect of the previous levels and energy.

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