Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Email: DreamHealer Newsletter

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DreamHealer NewsletterMarch 22th, 2011

Thank You
Dear all,

Thank you so much for thevisualization video for the Japanese nuclear reactors.

Many people are working to cool the nuclear reactors down with very high risk to their own future. I really thank them. Our life is supported by these people.
Visualizing the cooling down of nuclear power reactors is what I can do now.
All the help, support, thoughts, love, prayers for us from outside Japan is really amazing, too.
I want to thank you all so much.
Love and light - Shoko.


Thank you so much for your empowerment for Japan!
I have translated your message and forwarded to thousands of the readers
of my blog and asked them to share this positive visualization with others.

I would like to say thank you on behalf of many who were depressed by the disaster but really encouraged by your love. Michiyo - Japan
Quick Links

Japanese Nuclear Reactors     
reactorThanks to over 45,000 of you who are using this visualization to send your positive intentions for cooling down the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.  

Engineers have reconnected all six reactors to the electrical grid and cooled a pool holding spent nuclear fuel thus reducing the risk of releasing radioactive steam. Power was also partially restored to the control room of one of the six reactors at the crippled plant. We are still encouraging you to stay focused with your positive intentions for this disaster. This visualization has also been translated into Japanese.

Use your positive intentions and this visualization to see their nuclear system cooling down. Extend your healing to the people affected by the Tsunami region and workers at the nuclear reactors. See them with the strength to heal their bodies and minds.

Thanks for your participation. The visualization can be found on Youtube.

DreamHealer Workshops

adam-rolling stoneWe are now in the final 2 weeks of the early bird registration discount for the Toronto workshop May 7th. This is the only workshop Adam will be holding in Toronto this year, due to medical school demands. It is already over 85% sold.

Toronto May 7th 
Calgary June 5th
Vancouver September 10th

Using Intentions in Healing

Published in the Canadian Journal of Reflexology (March 2011)
neuronsFinally an article by Adam has been published in French. Although Canada is officially bilingual, French and English, Adam's books through Penguin have not yet been published in French. As "DreamHealer" is available in over 20 other languages we have heard from many people requesting a French version. At this point the best we can do is include this published article "Using Intentions to Heal" in the Canadian Journal of Reflexology (March 2011) which is written in both French and English.
Intentions are a form of goal-based thinking. What happens in your body with the creation of an intention? An intention activates neurons in your brain by sending signals from one neuron to another and alerts your entire being. Read full article....

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