Friday, March 18, 2011

An email from Rose with a supermoon spell

What we're about to do together, if you have
time... could be one of the most important
things you've ever done in your life.

As you may know, this Saturday night, the
moon will be at it's closest point to the
earth in 18 years.

And... it's going to be full.

A real "Super Moon".

The simple ritual I'm about to give you
will only take a few minutes... but I
suggest you take some more time to gaze
at her beauty... let her fill you with
wonder, and hope.

If you use the ritual I'm about to give
you to harness just a small "slice" of
the energy she sends... it could make
all the difference in the world to you
bright, bright future.


Rose's "Super Moon" Wishing Spell

What you need...

* A handful of pennies (or whatever
the smallest coin currency is where
you live...)

That's it....

STEP 1: Go to a place outside where
you can see the super moon... if it's
overcast or cloudy, just face in the
direction of the super moon.

(I'll be walking up my favorite little
hill in my town, which overlooks the
ocean, and the islands... if you can,
find a very special place to do this.)

STEP 2: Gaze at the beauty of the 
moon.  Don't say anything.  Just let
yourself feel awe, and wonder... it's
the same moon everyone you've ever
loved has been under... and it's a
symbol of how connected all of us

I'll be gazing at it with you, along
with thousands of my students.

Give it to any emotion you feel...
wherever you are...whatever your
situation... know that we're all
lucky to be here... and we're lucky
to have beauty like the Super Moon
to gaze upon.

STEP 3: Hold the pennies in your
dominant hand.  (If you're a lefty,
in your left hand...etc.)

STEP 4: Speak to the moon, and say 
clearly: "It's been said that, when
you're around, prayers are answered.

Chains unbound.

You promise all one's wishes will
come to pass."

STEP 5: Close your eyes...feel the
energy of the moon surround you in
white light...visualize it engulfing
you... a child of the universe.

Then visualize in your mind the your
one deepest desire in life.  "See it"
in your minds eye, coming to pass.

This is your moment.

STEP 6: Throw the pennies towards the
moon, as far as you can.

STEP 7: Say: "Please take these tokens
of my love as your silver light shines
from above.

Please help me find what I seek by
darkest night and morning dew."

STEP 8: Thank the moon in whatever
way suits you best... but make sure
it is real thanks and gratitude...and
appreciation for what you have.

STEP 9: Stay awhile...and bask in
the moons light...enjoy the moment.

It's yours, and yours alone...


If you follow those steps, I know the
results you experience will be nothing
short of amazing.

Until next Friday...

Have A Magick Weekend!  And welcome the
Super Moon with open arms...

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne


  1. thanks for the tips on this kind of spell and hope that many will take use of it. Love spell that real work

  2. I read over your blog, and i found it inquisitive,thanks for writting about
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