Thursday, February 19, 2015

Break your Blockage for Abundance Flow: A message from Joe

As lightworkers we are aware of blockages that stop us from moving forward to our completed mission. Our mission in life is to advance our soul. We do this by removing any type of blockage that keeps us from moving forward.

Forgiveness isn't about someone else but about your soul letting go of a past experience that is keeping you stuck in that moment. Being kept stuck in one moment in time doesn't allow your soul to learn the lesson it needs. It keeps it there waiting. A release must be made in order to allow that moment to pass on. Healing must be done. The soul uses any negative issues to learn how to recognize the next one. This is the same way our immune system fights disease. If you aren't presented with the problem, you can't fight it. You have to learn how to fight each problem as it arises. Just as the immune system does this with disease, your soul can learn to fight battles so the next time the same thing occurs, you have the battle already won. You know what to do. Psychologists call this learned behavior. But remember, everything can change. When a disease mutates and is reintroduced to the body, the immune system responds. When it discovers that it isn't working, it will then change the battle and fix what it needs. This in psychology is unlearning a learned behavior to make it better and for you to create new skills that will help with each battle.

How you deal with your blockages for removal is important. If someone isn't allowing the energy to flow in and wants to remain stuck, there really isn't much anyone can do. Even doctors will just give up on someone who says they are in constant pain but no drug is helping. They will take away the pain killers and tell the patient to try something else. Some people are just stuck and can't move on because they don't want to.

You have to really want something in order to get what you want. In the Buddhist practice this is called “The Three Obstacles and Four Devils”. It really means you have trapped your happiness because you are stuck in a moment in time. But this doesn't mean you have to stay there. You can choose a different path at any time. You are the most powerful leader in your life. You have free will and you can choose to let go of anything that is not serving you to the fullest.

People often wonder why they don't have all they want. Simply, it is because you really don't want it. When you pick up your Powerball ticket do you say, “if I win.”? Hmm. Do you say, “Yeah. Right.” when someone says they are going to win something? All these phrases are blockages and show how you really feel about money. You are blocking your flow to abundance by not believing in yourself. As a lightworker, I know it is very hard to overcome but you have to in order to move forward. Once you start changing your thoughts, you start changing yourself and your blockages start to break. Then it is like a flood coming at you all at once and if you can't deal with it, you become overwhelmed. That then leads people back to old habits. Again stopping the flow. But the flow is there and if you can see that flow and ride it like a surfer, then you will have unbelievable abundance coming your way.

The other thing you should be is very grateful for what you already have. If you have a car, tell it you are grateful that you have it. That doesn't mean you can't want a better car, but let the Universe know you are grateful for what you already have. It tells the Universe you are also open to better. If you want a particular car, start cutting it out of magazines. If you see it on the internet, print it off. Hang those photos all over your house and office. When you see it drive past you, say, “I have a car just like that one”. Tell the car when you see it at the dealership that you are taking it home with you. Then don't allow that negative feeling tell you, you are not going to have it. Don't let that in. When people say something negative about it, stop them and say, “It is my dream and my life. It will all be mine.” You have to keep up with the flow.

You have to allow yourself to have. You have to break your bondage to anything that isn't serving you. Cut the cord and see where you travel. Life is meant to be lived fully and abundantly. You can do this. You just need to believe in yourself to get there.  


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