Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12. 2015 2/12/15


Another four day at our door. What have you achieved lately with your goals? Four days are about property and possessions. Where do you want to be in life? Do you want to make General Manager, be a CEO? Whatever your dream, four can bring that to your doorway. Look for your obtainable goals that can be reached this year. Eight will bring you the power and prosperity so long as you keep your life balanced. Eight gives you the self confidence to ride through any storm in life. Use good judgment and you will be wealthy in your eight year. Make sure you are writing down those ideas that you want to form. Four days are the best days for writing them down. Organize your thoughts on four days. 

What goals are you writing down in your journal? Are they available to you in a short amount of time? Look for goals that can be completed soon. Use four days to complete your credit goals.  

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