Manifesting a want/desire
This is Sam. She is my Bengal cat. I have her because every day I took my child to the mall & saw her. Every day, I told her she would come home with me. I told her I didn’t know how I would get the money for her, but she was mine. The same with the house I live in. I say all the time this is my house & I am not moving from it.
Let’s try an experiment in your life. First read this:
^ Scientific American; Jun2007, Vol. 296 Issue 6, p39-39: "The brain does produce electrical activity from the ion currents flowing among neurons during synaptic transmission, and in accordance with Maxwell's equations any electric current produces a magnetic field. But as neuroscientist Russell A. Poldrack of the University of California, Los Angeles, explained to me, these fields are minuscule and can be measured only by using an extremely sensitive superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) in a room heavily shielded against outside magnetic sources. Plus, remember the inverse square law: the intensity of an energy wave radiating from a source is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from that source. An object twice as far away from the source of energy as another object of the same size receives only one-fourth the energy that the closer object receives. The brain's magnetic field of 10-15 tesla quickly dissipates from the skull and is promptly swamped by other magnetic sources, not to mention the earth's magnetic field of 10-5 tesla, which overpowers it by 10 orders of magnitude!"
Funny how science proves something but forgets to think that we can be more powerful, take electricity. Doesn’t seem like it would be powerful but one small zap can stop your heart.
I want you to do this for the experiment. Find one thing you have been really wanting. Now remember it could take a couple of months, but no matter how long it takes for now we are focusing on this. So let’s first find something small to want, maybe a new coat or cat.
1. Deeply want this item that you want. I mean really want it. Tell it you are mine. Go ahead. Cut out a picture of it or find the one you want. Go to it daily & say,’ you are mine.’ Don’t think of anything else. Just look at it and want. Think about it. I say let’s say you want a car. Imagine that new car smell. Go to the dealership where you will purchase said vehicle & sit in it. Imagine driving it. Take it for a test drive. The more you feel that feeling. The more you feel you know this is right & you want it. The more the universe will respond to said item.
2. Expect it to come to you. Do like I did with Sam. Say ‘I don’t know how yet, but you are coming home with me. ‘You will see. It will come somehow. Amazingly no one wanted Sam & we got her on a payment plan & paid way less for her. I allowed myself to let that happen so my desire was manifested by getting her. I was & still am so grateful. I thank the universe all the time for her. I love her. She is like my middle child & she is 7 years old now. Do you see how expecting & allowing something will get you what you desire.
3. Don’t stop manifesting it. That is when we become Negative Nelly’s. Don’t allow that. Say’ I don’t know how I can get you, but I will. ‘I will get what I want. You are mine. I will have you. As soon as you say,’ I don’t know how I can get the money for you, I won’t have enough in 2 months” Blah, Blah, Blah. Oh pity me mode. That is when you won’t get it. You stop it but thinking you don’t deserve it or can’t get it because of money or something. Remember what I told Sam. I got her at a discount. 2 months after I first saw her, she was mine.
Now go manifest. I will write another one similar to this one. I will do it to remind you often.
Remember this: The law of manifestation is the moment you ask for something, the universe has to answer.
Thoughts are energy. Science proves that.
Say thank you for everything you have now & when you achieve what you asked for scream thank you to the universe immediately.
Pass my message on to those you love.
Pass on to 3 people, see yourself gaining in 6 months.
Pass on to 6 or more, see yourself gaining in 3 months.
Say daily: I am healthy, wealthy, & wise.
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