Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Take Back Your Power!

Posted by Jen in Tarot, Oracle and Angels at 1:00 AM, January 27, 2010

Takeback By Psychic Joy

Are you getting what you want out of life? Are you satisfied with everything that is around you at the moment? If you answered no to any of these questions, then the Angels are asking you to examine that area in your life that needs to be worked on. Whether it’s about love, career, friends/family, or any other areas in your life, chances are there needs to be an improvement. Take Back Your Power! (a card in the Archangel Oracle) says, “Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life.”

If this card is drawn for the day, the Angels are asking you to take a deeper look at the areas that need the most improvement at that moment. Most of us tend to think that if we aren’t succeeding, then we must be failing, but this is not true. The Angels ask us to find another path that can lead us to manifesting our goals. Where there is a will, there is way! After all, the power to manifest what we want is within us.

Let’s look at a relationship as an example. What is your intention when you start a new relationship? If you are like most people, your intention is to have that special someone that you can share the rest of your life with. Like any relationship, the joy of getting into one is fun and exciting. It becomes fulfilling because it’s new and fresh, and most importantly, you are being loved by that special someone. Embrace that moment right now and think of all the emotions that come to you. Doesn’t it feel wonderful? You can probably feel all of the excitement and the happy emotions that are rushing through your body. The Angels are asking you to be within that state of mind as much as possible so you can create and manifest what you want in life. If you continue to go with the flow and enjoy the moments you have with your partner, then you will continue to create the happiness you are seeking in your relationship.

Of course, things are not always as smooth as they should be in relationships. There could be a few bumps on the road. It could be filled with miscommunications, disappointments, and plenty of frustrations as well. Do they not listen to you? Do you feel like you’re not getting through to them? If the answer is yes, the Angels are asking you to evaluate the situation more clearly.

Don’t be frustrated when you take a deeper look at the issue. Examine the overall situation when you are in a calm state of mind. Chances are, things will be much clearer to you when you are calm and when you don’t allow your emotions to get the best of you. Be rational. Ask yourself questions. What approaches are you using? Are you repeating it over and over, hoping that your partner will realize something? Is what you are doing effective? If what you are doing is not working, then the Angels are asking you to change your tactic. Find another loving and caring way to express yourself so you can be heard.

Expressing yourself doesn’t always mean you have to continue to tell them the problem. Maybe that isn’t the case. Is it about letting it be or giving the situation some space? Or do you need to show a bit of tough love to him/her? No matter what your approach may be, always remember to be firm when necessary.

Finally, we tend to forget to be happy with who we are. A lot of times we end up being so giving to others that we don’t realize that we have given our power away to them. No matter who you are dealing with, always be true to yourself. If the person cannot realize that they need to do their part, then it’s time to release them for now. Never allow someone to stop you from achieving what you want in life. Remember, the goal in life isn’t about making that one person happy. It is about making yourself happy. Only you know what it takes to make yourself happy.

Set your intentions and ask the universe to help you manifest them. Allow the angels to give you the guidance needed to reach your goals. On that note, my guides want to say, "Don’t settle for less. Don’t settle for second best either. Take your power back and believe in it. Aim high to get the best in life. Strike up that confidence and ask for what you want. After all, you have the power to create and manifest all that you want in life!”

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