Monday, February 8, 2010

Today's numerology report

Today is February (02) 08, 2010 that makes this a 13/4 day. On this day you can walk through the doorway to creation. This is a number close to Aquarius. This is a completion day filled with new beginnings. Look for the positive flow of energy into a new project, career or relationship. Bless your homes with a new item such as a broom or spatula. Find a new place to have coffee and buy that lotto ticket. Try even numbers today on your tickets. Take a candle and visualize what you would like to achieve today.

To do the candle visualization is easy:

Take a candle of any color.

Some candle colors can mean something significant such as green, gold or silver = finances, red, pink or white = love, blue = emotions. Like that.

Light the candle

Take a few deep breaths all the way to your belly.


Clear your mind.

Then start to visualize what you want to achieve.

When you are done, take a spoon and snuff out the candle or if you use breath say,’ I desire my thoughts to go straight to the goddess or god in swift haste.’

So today Kittens do your best to see the doorway that will lead you to creating your desires. Try to change some words as well. Instead of saying, ‘I intend’ or ‘I wish’ change those words to ‘I desire’. Take the word want out of your vocabulary today too. Let’s see if we can manifest you a world of happiness.

Remember to say, “I am abundance, prosperity, dreams, & gratitude.” Remember to be thankful and bless as much as you can today and pay it forward as much as you can.

Love and Light with the power of 4 in the door.

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