To begin considering the eclipse, run the chart for your birth (or, if you prefer, current) locale for the angles; don’t forget to note both the Equatorial Ascendant and Vertex per your angles; enter the angles and derivative angles on the chart as markers for areas of special interest.
As you begin to evaluate this chart, consider the previous year’s eclipses and the following solar in 19 Cancer on July 11th. Are eclipses covering your radix or directed angles or luminaries ( so that you expect more magnitude in events ) or do they suggest “a story line”? In other words, are the eclipses ( and each eclipse axis ) leading up to something ~ are they making contact with similar points that are apt to be joined in an event ????? Too, it’s well to remember that eclipse degrees tend to remain “sensitive” ( to transits ) for months following the actual eclipse...............
As always with Our Lunations keep Your own chart in mind..............
Martha's Tree Structure method helps illuminate the aspects this time..........
As we review the chart, there are 2 primary axes to study; the first being that of the eclipse itself: 04 Cardinal 46, 16 Fixed 46, and the quadratures in 27:16 Cardinal and 12:16 Mutable. Then that of the Aries/Sun midpoint in 17 Taurus 23. A tree structure ( a comprehensive midpoint structure ) can be based on all three, and midpoints to each are delineated to describe more of the intention of the eclipse ~
As you draw your structures, use eclipse factors and both radix and directed points for your symmetries..........
Since how the eclipse will affect you greatly depends on its contact to natal and directed ( or progressed ) points, all we can do here is use the eclipse chart to characterize some of the situations and people through which it will present. The following list of delineations won’t be exhaustive, but should give you a jump start on thinking about how the eclipse is ( already ) making itself heard ~
Patterns to the Eclipse :
First, consider the House polarity in your chart established by this Full Moon. If the eclipse can be considered as a prod toward growth, what are you coming to understand and how can you resolve the conflicts that exist between those two houses ? What radix or directed points do you have close to 04 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn ? Those points will feel the strongest impact now........ Events will be urging ( and that is putting it politely ) those energies to “step up” and not be held captive by the past ~ Sometimes eclipses can rightly be described as holding “an opportunity disguised as a loss,” and one of those losses can be the security blanket of defenses and familiarity you’ve wrapped around yourself for a long time. Now, those attitudes and reactions will be shown to be ineffective, so you’re losing a part of yourself. This can feel sad. It’s the dark umbra hanging over you. Move towards the light by finding reactions that are more in keeping with the person you’ve become (and not the person you used to be. You’ve changed, and the eclipse is asking you to prove it!)
An eclipse agenda usually begins to be obvious as the transiting Sun makes its approaching square to the eclipse degree. This occurred on March 25th. Around then public events and struggles in the lives of folks who “get noticed” (and featured in headlines) begin to telegraph eclipse themes............
- A major facet of this eclipse comes from the presence of Eos in 04 Aries; its message is about “wasting energy” and misdirected anger. One of its statements is: Stop Flailing at Windmills! If you’re to ( Sun ) follow the path of growth, you’ve got to relinquish the ( Moon ) habit of spraying anger. Stay “on message”...........
- It’s impossible to miss the very strong Kronos/Pluto, Rx theme of this eclipse. Among the ways it will manifest are: events focus on behind the scenes power plays in government and among government officials. There may be more interest in those whose expertise is finance, investments, interest rates, mortgages, and loans—and lots of officials are going to be sounding off on these very things. Since Kronos is also Law, expect more conversation about laws affecting mortgages, debts, and taxes. Also expect more deliberation on the kinds of (Pluto) power the government is assuming… especially since some of it isn’t (Pluto, Rx) obvious.
- Events that showcase attempts to expose or undermine those in positions of authority, high stature, or government will be rampant.
- You may often be aware of the ways that leaders and other “famous” people “do” that retrograde Pluto. So who needs the forgiveness and catharsis of Pluto? Who has motives that are covert? Who seeks additional power by trying to manipulate a situation? How many see that their lives have careened out of control? What examples do you see of the ways that a reach for fame has been driven by a painful past and has become a destructive obsession ?????
- The asteroid, Odysseus, in 19 Taurus 48, is a major part of this eclipse. For some, a trip is very much an important step in releasing the past and “getting on with” that confident walk into their future. But this eclipse says : Kronos/Pluto (Rx) = eclipse = Odysseus. This will bring more governmental talk about immigration, immigrants, visas, and costs associated with travel. There is apt to be more discussion about airline travel, the space program, and the attempts of governments to control and monitor what’s going on with visitors and travelers. Some of you may have incidents where ( Odysseus ) being away from home becomes a lesson in ( Pluto ) surrendering attempts to control people and situations. If you’re planning a ( Odysseus ) trip, be sure to be aware of ( Kronos ) regulations, laws and protocols.
- We can also see this eclipse as carrying a strong Demeter/Kronos agenda. That puts children and parent-child relationships in the headlines with laws and governments. The recent return of an adopted child from Russia is an example of this as it also picks up the Odysseus and the retrograde Pluto. But watch for less dramatic examples where (Demeter) care and diet are linked to fathers or government. There may be instances where you see the impact of a ( Kronos ) father on a ( Demeter ) child. There may be times when you think of MDRs ( those scanty Minimum Daily Requirements for nutrition ) There may be more attention on ( Pluto, Rx\Demeter ) megadose vitamins, the link between food and the colon, or all the ways that life teaches one that they don’t CONTROL their children. To use that energy, try to recognize that, to ( Demeter ) truly take care of and nurture yourself, you may need to ( Pluto ) return to a state of greater integrity and process some of those psychological glitches that are hiding in your guts.............
- To get a full sense of the eclipse, continue constructing midpoints to it. Among them will be the Kalypso/Neptune = Kronos/Pluto = eclipse. How many examples of well-known or people of rank and stature using deception to hide their sexual behavior or “deep dark secrets” do you see now ?????
- Note that Ophelia in 27 Cancer 11 is among points in the eclipse axis. That means that you’ll find plenty of exaggerated reactions and times when, by reacting precipitously, one does themselves no favor. Watch for “drama kings and queens” among authorities, VIPs and others in the public eye..........
- A tree structure can also be based on Ophelia and delineated to further detail the eclipse. So, for instance, you might say: Kassandra/Nemesis = Ophelia ( and = eclipse, = Eos, = Kronos/Pluto, etc. ) That scenario starts with, “The problem is that you don’t listen to or believe me… and that’s why I’m in overdrive and shouting every which way but loose.”
- A third tree structure is based on the Aries/Sun midpoint in 17 Taurus 23. As well as bring attention to animals, Nature and wildlife ( due to the position of Diana in 17 Taurus 26 ) it also highlights the Jupiter-Mercury square that will be such a part of the eclipse....... Pay attention to conversations that include references to morals, principles, religion, foreign interests or travel. Listen up when people use words to suggest superiority. Evaluate words that indicate help or protection. And do use the Jupiter to laugh at your own discursive thoughts.........
- The Aries/Sun midpoint also draws attention to the fact that this eclipse will also be characterized by Uranus/Pluto behaviors and events. What changes are happening that “take control” and place it out of your hands? What changes are being made because of debts? Can you make changes to realign yourself with your deepest self and your soul’s contract ??????
If this eclipse is active in your chart, you are beginning to really know that it is. When eclipses touch our charts, we can have times when we feel sad without knowing exactly why; we can get those “what’s the use?” moments; we can revert to old reactions ( and have it proven to us again that they no longer work...... ) Just because you know that it’s a time for change doesn’t mean that your insides can get with the program ~ treat yourself with lots of patience and kindness… and let events do their work !!!!!
So........ Our Full Moon events are......
Moon + Pluto (Rx) at 4* Capricorn ~
This is the covert nature of the current atmosphere outside Our Inner Circles ~ Be aware of hidden agendas out there........ Strong Full Moon energy......... The Eclipse kicks that up a notch ~
Sphinx + Atlantis + Niobe are exact at 2* Leo ~ a new Sign for Our Trio, Sphinx being very "at Home" here...... Our Gaia influence is strengthening as Hopi is very close and nearly exact at 4* so all our beneath the surface influences are even stronger....... not to mention the Native American ones....... Lots of Power below the surface ~ Crystals again are very good here.........
Mars has moved on to Virgo at 10* strengthening the Earth interest, while Our Trio above has picked up the firey torch...... balanced Male energy this time......
Mercury is close with the Sun at 2* Cancer and Familial and Close communications are more reliable at this time.........
Our Saturn / Uranus Oppostion is still with Us ( I know..... ) and Saturn has turned direct in Virgo giving it more strength than recently as Uranus has moved to 0* Aries with Jupiter close by so a bit more firey energy this time........ Candles are good here as well........
Jupiter helps smooth over the rough spots.......
Still more Fire as Venus has moved into Leo now ~ This is great for Our Friendships and Relationships and things tend to have that looking good appearance....... Mirrors may show some interesting images, as Venus remains with our Trio above since the New Moon / Dark Moon previous.........
So enjoy My Friends and if the Eclipse stretches us a bit, feel how its helping us grow........
Until Next Time............
Martha Wescott / Ray KinneyLunar eclipse June 26
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