Monday, February 22, 2010


You need:
some money or pictures of cash, checks and jewels to be placed on the altar,
drums for raising energy.
Put the money on the altar, not as an object to worship but as a symbol to your deep
mind of what you want to obtain. You may wish to place a goddess statue or another
religious symbol behind the symbolic wealth, as a reminder that money is not after
the ultimate value. Then, stand up, and drum and chant to raise power.
Your chant can be something like:
Wealth , wealth , come to me,
I deserve prosperity!
As the power moves toward its peak , imagine a huge transparent funnel over you,
and huge amounts of cash, checks and other forms of wealth cascading down
though it to pile up around you (or , at least , enough for your needs + some to
donate to worthy causes). Give thanks for the wealth which you know will be
headed your way. Open the circle.
Afterwards, go seek a job if you don't have one or ask for a raise, and always
give money to charities. Soon prosperity will come to you.

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