Sunday, February 7, 2010

Romantic Love Spell

Items needed:

1) Red Candle

2) Pink Candle

3) Red Rose (optional)
glitter graphics

4) Needle or Knife (to carve candle)
5) Lighter
6) Cinnamon Incense (Stick form - But this is entirely optional)

Take red candle and draw interlocked Gender symbols that are appropriate for you. then place the candle down. 2) Then take up the pink candle and draw a heart on it. myspace heart code
Put it down three inches away from the red one. 3) Now place the Rose before both candles and ready yourself to recite the following:

Aphrodite my queen, join me in this hour
Bless me this (night/day) and lend me your power.
*Red to bring lust that burns strong like a fire*
*Pink to draw love, my true hearts' desire.*
Bring me a partner, for this I pray
With harm to none, this spell is done.
Let it be so!

Candles can be lit right before you read the prayer or you may light them as you read out the color of the candle (which are the lines between the *)

Let the candles burn down entirely, but if you must turn them off simply snuff them out and re-light them when you are ready to do so and read again the prayer provided. If no rose is available, then leave it out. Rose petals work well too, simply spread them in a circle around the candles.

If you want something time appropriate then you can do this on a Friday (even better during the waxing moon). Time does not matter you'll just be limiting yourself too much.

You can use incense if you want (Cinnamon). Light it before you start everything else and let it burn down all the way.
Already many ask me what this is for: This spell is to help bring Love (Romantic love especially) into your life.

I found this interesting. I also found candles and such from businesses on the web. You can look them up from their logo or you can do your own search. I am not endorsing them just examples.

Here is something for you try if you like

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