Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today's numerology report

Today is February (02) 18,2010 which makes it a 14/5 day. The month is a 2 month for balance, the year is a 3 for powerful luck in money and communication. Combined they make a 5 which makes this month and year a time for balance and sudden fortune. The day is a 9 day. Which is the snake and day of change. All combined they make the 14/5 day. 5 is for action, myself and window. We sure are building our house, eh? We have 2 which is the house, 3 which is the fence and 5 which is the window. Reminds me of the old saying,’ we god closes a door, he opens a window. ‘Yesterday was a 4 day and for door. We closed yesterdays door and opened today’s window. 5 takes energy from Mercury. More communication. Today take the 5 for action and use it in communicating what you need for your home and yourself. Use the 5 to bring in the money luck of 3. Communication can bring you to financial freedom. Look for opportunities today to bring action and freedom to your money woes by using communication. Talk to someone who can lead you financially to freedom of bills. Save your change in jars. When the jar is full, bring it to the bank and deposit it in a savings account. Watch your money grow next to your window of opportunity. Use this day wisely my Kittens.

To recap, use your 5 day to communicate financial freedom with action. Open the window of your house of healing to bring in new opportunities.

Love and Light with the action energy of 5.

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