Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fireworks Are No Picnic For Pets

Fireworks Are No Picnic For Pets

Americans love fireworks on the Fourth of July, unfortunately, many pets do not. That's why the the Humane Society of the United States wants to remind people that pets can become distressed by the additional noise and commotion involved with the Independence Day holiday, CBS station WFOR-TV reported.

"Pets are family members, and it's understandable that people want to include them as such in their holiday plans," said Stephanie Shain, director of outreach for Companion Animals at The HSUS. "However, most pets are more likely to be comfortable with their established routines. Spare our furry friends the stress of fireworks, crowds, and fanfare on the Fourth of July, and for everyone, we wish a safe and fun Independence Day."
The Humane Society strongly encourages pet owners to protect the furry members of their family from potential harm on the Fourth of July with these safeguards: 

  • Leave your pet at home. Fireworks displays can be disorienting and frightening to pets, even those used to going places with their people. 
  • Create a home sanctuary. Leave your pet in an area of your home where he or she is safe, comfortable and sheltered from any outside noise and lights. An inside room with no windows or doors to access the outside, where the pet normally spends time and is comfortable, may be best. 
  • Pet-proof your home. When scared, some animals can become destructive, so be sure to remove anything that can become damaged or might harm your pet if chewed. 
  • Never leave pets outside and unattended. Even in a fenced in yard, panic can lead a pet to escape and get lost, or become injured while trying to seek refuge. 
  • Make sure that your pet is always wearing identification. In the unfortunate event that your pet gets lost, an updated identification tag greatly increases your chances of being reunited, even if your pet is already microchipped. 
  • Consult your veterinarian before July 4 for tips to lower your pet's stress level. In addition, consider having someone remain home with your pet while your family enjoys outdoor activities. 
  • If you plan to go away for the holiday, decide what will be the best option for your pet. The HSUS website,, features information on traveling with your pet, choosing a professional sitter, and finding a boarding kennel.


May the sun always shine on your windowpane; 
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; 
May the hand of a friend always be near you; 
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Image removed by sender.
Prayers for healing..
Look at the picture, read the prayer and then make a wish and read the
prayer again...

I am picking 2 people who have touched my life and who I think would want to
receive this. Please send it back to me (You'll see why).

In case you are not aware, Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little
Ways, meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with
great love.... She is represented by roses.

May everyone who receives this message be blessed. Saint Theresa's Prayer
Cannot be deleted.

REMEMBER to make a wish before you read the prayer. That's all you have to
do. There is nothing attached. Just share this with people and see what
happens on the fourth day. Sorry you have to forward the message, but try
not to break this, please. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive.
Read the prayer below.

Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that
has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to
sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us..
Now, send this to 11 people within the next 5 minutes. And remember to send
this back.
I count as 
2........ You'll see why.

'Worry looks around,
Sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
This angel is sent to you..
You must send her to 11 people including me.
In 8 minutes you will receive something you have long awaited.

Have faith..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Anyone want an Angel visit

I have 3 Angels that will need to visit another person on July 6th. They are awaiting for someone to say yes. Just email me your email address and tell me where you want the angels sent.  As more come, I will send more out.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Prayer for Service People

Let's get this circulating by July 4th


                                       THAT WON'T KEEP THIS  GOING.                                                      
Happy  4th of
.....let' s get this started now, 
So it will  be out there on the  fourth!!!!



All of our other military personnel, wherever they may be
Support all of the troops defending our  Country. 

And  God Bless our Military who are protecting  our Country for our Freedom.
To them, and their sacrifices we can  celebrate the 4th of July

We must never  forget who 
Gets the credit for the freedoms  we have, of which we should be Eternally  grateful.. 

I watched the flag
Pass by one day, 
It fluttered in the  breeze. 

A young Marine
Saluted it, 
And then he stood at ease..

I looked at 
Him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud, 
With hair  cut square 
And eyes alert
He'd stand out  in any crowd. 

I thought how many men
Like him 
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign 
How  many mothers' tears? 

How m any pilots' planes
Shot down? 
How many died at sea 
How  many foxholes were soldiers' 
Graves ?
No, freedom isn't free 

I heard the  sound of Taps 
One night, 
When everything  was still, 
I listened to the bugler  Play 
And felt a sudden chill.

I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant 'Amen,' 
When a flag had draped a Coffin. 
Of a brother or a friend.

I thought of all  the Children, 
Of the mothers and the & nbsp;wives, 
Of fathers, Sons and Husbands
With interrupted lives.  

Thought about a  graveyard
At  the bottom of the sea 

Of unmarked graves in  Arlington . 
No, freedom isn't free.  

Enjoy  Your Freedom 
And God Bless Our  Troops

When  You receive this, please stop for a moment
Say  a
 for our servicemen.  
Of  all the gifts you could give 
A US Soldier,  Prayer is the very best

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another Prayer for the Oilspill

Dear Friends,

It seems from the information we are receiving that the damage done to the seabed in the Gulf of Mexico is more severe than is being generally reported through the media.
BP has hit a main sub-strata stream of crude base oil that could cause the seabed to collapse due to the sheer quantity of oil pumping out.

Mother Earth has been suffering abuse and disrespect for far too long and she is angry. It is only she who can heal herself and put an end to this environmental disaster of unprecedented proportions. You are called to focus upon sending a resonant sound healing into Mother Earth on

Saturday 26 June between 6pm and 8pm
from wherever you are at the time.

The Elders of the indigenous tribes of all nations have asked us to go into sacred ceremony and ask Mother Earth for forgiveness; we are all asked to do whatever we can to make a mends and to show our Mother that we do care about her wellbeing, that we love and respect her and that we are grateful for all the gifts that we receive from her.

So please join us from wherever you are - the latest crop circle that appeared near a windmill in Wiltshire, UK speaks in clear signs about the choice that is upon us. Either we find a way to change the collective consciousness on our beautiful planet or we face extinction.
We have said this for a long time now - there is no more time to sit on the fence and wait for others to do the work. Each and everyone of us is needed to create the necessary changes that will ensure a future for our children and children's children.

Here is what we ask you to do:

Focus on the sea or if you can, go to a beach or a water source near you.Tune into the sound of the ocean and offer her a gift that you brought with you.
Choose something that has value to you.
Intone yourself to her melodic sound - breathe and send your resonance into her salty, warm waters as you give the intent for the Golden Light to pass through you into the oceans of Mother Earth......sing

I invite Golden Light into the Earth through me.

Feel your oneness with the Earthmother and remind yourself that your blood and bodily fluids are chemically identical with the ocean waters as you give her your gift
and your loving blessings.

Send your prayers for forgiveness and healing into the water
through the sounds of....

OM is Universal Resonance
AAA holds the resonance of unconditional love from your heart chakra
OOO takes the sound into the base chakra and your Earth Star chakra
and from there into Mother Earth.

Do this sounding for 15 minutes whilst holding your focus on the Gulf.


For those of you in the UK who live in or near Sussex - please join us on the 26 June for the healing ceremony at East Preston Beach, West Sussex. We will be meeting at the sailing club in East Preston at 7.45pm. If you need directions, please ring us on 01903 - 787 512.

We are looking forward to welcoming you there!

With love and gratitude,

Renata & Steven
Golden Light Project
Rainbow Medicine Circle

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Seven Secrets

The Seven Secrets

June 15, 2010 at 1:11 am
By Alys Cusack
“The Law of Attraction,” also known as “The Secret,” is a commonly known and applied “universal law.” But are there more? Yes: There are, in fact, seven secrets or Hermetic Laws, all of which can be followed to produce greater happiness and empowerment in life. Said to have originated in Ancient Egypt, these seven laws are the foundation of much of the psychic art. Take a look:
1. The Law of Mind.
Everything in the universe is mind. Everything is composed of mind. This is why psychic abilities work: deep down, the universe we live in is composed of intelligent energy and information – mind. Therefore, whatever you think strongly is sure to ultimately manifest in one way or the other – so think carefully!
2. The Law of Correspondence.
Everything and everybody in the universe is connected. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There is no part of your life – no action that you take – that is not intimately connected with everything else. We can’t behave badly in one aspect of our life and not expect it to spill over into the other aspects of our life. Conversely, when we accumulate positive karma, it can improve every facet of our lives. Try regularly donating money or food to the homeless and see how your life changes!
3. The Law of Vibration.
Everything in the universe is vibration. This law has recently been (re)discovered by science – look up “superstring theory.” Energy is vibration, thoughts are vibration, dreams are vibration, words are vibration – and so is matter. So it’s no surprise that energy, thoughts, dreams and words can affect matter if properly cultivated.
4. The Law of Polarity.
Everything in the universe is dual. Dark implies light. Light implies dark. In truth, they are the same thing. We can never have one without the other, for they are two sides of the same coin – just like wealth and poverty, misery and happiness, love and hate. Everything contains and will ultimately become its opposite, and back again.
5. The Law of Rhythm.
Everything in the universe changes. This is unavoidable. Our partners change, our friends change, our jobs changes, our countries change. Ultimately, our bodies change, and we transition out of this life. Many find this depressing. But on the other hand – even unfavorable conditions change. Nothing lasts forever, even death. And everything has its natural rhythm of change which we can align to: from the movement of the seasons to the movements of the planets to the movements of our lives.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect.
Everything in the universe is the result of something else in the universe. This is also known as the Law of Karma, or Newton’s Third Law of Action: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Just as the second law reminds us, nothing in the universe happens in a vacuum: for every action you take, there will be an equal and opposite reaction, and like attracts like. Treat the universe the way you’d like it to treat you!
7. The Law of Gender.
Everything in the universe is male, female, or both. And like with the fourth law, each implies its opposite. With a bit of attention to this principle in daily life, we can begin to keenly observe how to best combine things.
Spending a bit of time thinking about each of these principles will provide numerous ways in which they can be applied in daily life.

weekly love cast

Weekly LoveCast™

Week of June 21-27

by Cortney Litwin
The Summer Solstice on Monday includes an emotional wake-up call from Uranus, which can inspire a fresh perspective (or sudden change of direction) concerning love. Tension escalates this weekend ... First, a stressful planetary line-up on Friday can wreak havoc on social activities. Next, Saturday's Full Moon in Capricorn connects with Pluto and Mars, which can fire up both passion and anger. Finally, a Mercury-Pluto opposition on Sunday can prompt both deep discussions and obsessive thinking. Strive to stay flexible and objective during any storms that come your way this week. Best days for socializing: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Aries: Everyone around you needs something from you this week, which can prompt a tug-of-war between freedom and commitment, both in love and at work. Exploring a new locale can bring romance toward the middle of the week. Rash actions or words cause conflicts during the Full Moon this weekend, so be considerate of the needs of others.

Taurus: Your vision of what you want in a relationship is being expanded this week, which can propel you out of your comfort zone. Paying attention to your intuition will help clarify your direction. This weekend, the Full Moon can being romance during a spiritual or educational activity, but verbalizing your desire may be difficult.

Gemini: Friendly gatherings widen your social circle this week, but you'll need to weed out the people who are unreliable or incompatible. That goes for coworkers who want to spend time with you, too. Love is unpredictable on Friday. This weekend's Full Moon inspires a sexy rendezvous, but an old emotional issue may need to be resolved, first.

Cancer: Romance sizzles at the start of the week, but relationships of all sorts seem to get complicated as the week progresses. Analyzing and then releasing negative feelings will help you stay centered and move forward. That's especially true during this weekend's Full Moon, when old relationship patterns can hinder a commitment.

Leo: Feelings are intense/prickly at the beginning of the week. Then your sense of adventure takes over mid-week, which can either inspire or rattle romance, depending on how far into the freedom abyss you're willing to go. You'll likely come back down to earth during the Full Moon this weekend, when love requires you to pay attention to the details.

Virgo: Any relationship rut you've gotten into is likely to be purged (or at least illuminated) this week. Whether it's a person or a relationship pattern, look to release what's not working in your love life. Your creativity is getting a wake-up call as well. This weekend's Full Moon evokes your sense of daring in the boudoir!

Libra: The challenge this week is to express your independence while cooperating with those close to you. It's all about finding a balance between fulfilling your needs and the needs of others. A conflict may produce an "ah-ha! moment" on Friday. This weekend's Full Moon prompts you to analyze/release a family pattern that impedes your love life.

Scorpio: Feelings escalate at the start of the week, which can intensify passion, but also cause you to overreact. Diplomacy and objectivity will be needed during a heated discussion on Friday. Issues over power and control may be in your face during the Full Moon this weekend, so strive to hold love gently in your hands.

Sagittarius: A serene lakeside retreat (or other watery locale) can inspire romance at the beginning of the week. Others may find you unpredictable mid-week, when you'll feel pulled in different directions. Focus is the key to success. Freedom clashes with duty on Friday. The Full Moon this weekend challenges you to be honest about your deepest desires.

Capricorn: An ordinary event may trigger the need for a change in your relationship -- or at least a discussion about how to improve your connection. If you're solo, you'll be inspired to see love in a whole new light. This weekend's Full Moon in your sign illuminates the inner and outer blocks that hold you back from fulfillment in love.

Aquarius: An inner pathway between your unconscious and conscious can open up this week, which will reveal any emotional issues that hinder your ability to manifest true love (and other goals). Taking some quiet time will help you perceive the insights coming to you. This weekend's Full Moon awakens your intuition/inner voice as well.

Pisces: The need to stand up for yourself may collide with your natural sensitivity this week, but may be necessary, nonetheless. Look for a moneymaking opportunity mid-week. Your intuition will help you see through a communications quagmire on Friday. Saying good riddance to negative people in your social circle is must during this weekend's The Full Moon.

Activating the Wealth Corner of the Home

Activating the Wealth Corner of the Home

In Feng Shui it is said that the wealth corner is the farthest back left point from your front door.  I thought it would be fun to work with this as a tool for aligning with our abundance and decided to create a fun ritual for us to use to do so.
You will need: 
-         a piece of card or paper
-         an orange coloured pen or pencil
-         2 pieces of cleansed and charged Citrine or etherically charged objects (you can make something from clay for example, to use for your etheric crystal energy work, or you could use a stone from your garden, or a beautiful image - just remember to cleanse and dedicate it to your purpose before holding it between your hands and channeling the energy of Citrine into it).
Spend some time in your wealth corner and get a feel for how it wants to be. Allow yourself to see beyond what is currently there and allow an image of its becoming to form. Relax and have fun exploring different options.
We want to dedicate a small surface space to serve as a vortex for the energies of abundance to joyfully resonate throughout our being and experience of life. We want to choose to place things in this space that represent abundance – things that help us connect with the spirit of this energy.
Once your space is as you like it to be, gather your ritual items and bring them into the space. You can read about the metaphysical properties of Citrine here and enjoy a guided Citrine meditation here.
Lay them out in front of you and take a moment to breathe and enjoy the atmosphere you have created. Allow yourself to fully appreciate this moment.
As you look at your ritual items, channel your appreciation towards them and dedicate them into your space by welcoming them into your heart.
Draw a circle on your piece of card or paper, using your orange pen or pencil.
Circles represent the Wholeness of Life. It symbolises unity and continuity. Allow yourself to tap into these vibrations as you draw your circle. It represents your circle of abundance.
The colour orange is associated with creativity and emotional expression. It, like crystals of its colour, remind us that it is safe to express our desires and reminds us that we are worthy of having our desires met.
Citrine is especially good at teaching us that in order to attract all forms of wealth, we must truly allow ourselves to feel the energy of wealth in the here and now of our being.  It is one of the most useful stones for aligning with abundance.
With this in mind, hold your two Citrine pieces and allow yourself to generate the feeling of abundance within you. Give yourself permission to really feel all the delicious layers of goodness this energy brings. Know that by focusing on the Citrine, you can discover new depths to your allowing of abundance if you allow yourself to venture into this new vibrational territory. Know that you are safe and welcome to every juicy morsel. Have fun with this.
Now, place one of the stones in the centre of your circle and keep one with you. Know that you are connected to your stream of abundant wellbeing at all times and that you can step into your circle vibrationally any time you please.
Feel free to share your experiences, comments or questions below, or drop me an email – I’d love to hear from you. 

Healing Image: Citrine Energy

Healing Image: Citrine Energy

This image has been infused with Citrine energy, and can assist you with finding the feeling place of being abundant. Be with the image and allow yourself to generate the feeling of having the abundance you desire flowing freely through you as you use the affirmations below.
As I honour the knowing that my abundant becoming is already within me, I begin to explore creative ways to feel abundant. 
I allow myself to absorb every juicy morcel of my abundant becoming. 
I bathe myself in the feeling of abundance. 
Abundance is something I am. 

Healing Image: Money Reiki

Healing Image: Money Reiki

This image has been infused with Money Reiki healing energy, and can assist you with releasing blocks around the manifestation of money into your experience. Sit with the image and visualize your intention to accept the abundance that is flowing to and through you. A suggested statement of affirmation can be found below the image.
Affirm: I release thoughts and beliefs around money that no longer serve me. I am open to the flow of money moving into my experience. I embrace my ability to attract money, and appreciate the choices I am able to make to send money energy back out into the world. I happily take my place in this circle of abundance.

Healing Image: The Vortex of Abundance

Healing Image℠: The Vortex of Abundance

This image has been infused with Money Reiki energy to assist with opening us up to our natural flow of abundance. Focus gently on the image as you read the affirmations below. Allow the energy to flow through you and integrate into your being.

The Vortex of Abundance Healing Image with Money Reiki

I step into the vortex of my abundance. I feel the money energy all around me and open to the flow that is right now moving into my physical experience. I allow financial prosperity to manifest in my life, and I feel the appreciation for my fulfilled desires.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day. L&L KWP

thoughts to ponder with your morning cup of coffee

Thoughts to Ponder

1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately
clear your computer history if you die.

2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when
you realize you're wrong.

3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when
I was younger.

4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.

5. How the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

6. Was learning cursive really necessary?

7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm
pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

8. Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you
how the person died.

9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of

10. Bad decisions make good stories.

11. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment
at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything
productive for the rest of the day.

12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue
Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection.. .again.

13. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it
asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page research paper that
I swear I did not make any changes to.

14. "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wear
this - ever.

15. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello?
Hello?!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes
to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and
run away?

16. I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then
not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

17. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I
know not to answer when they call.

18. I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

19. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given
Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.

21. Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was
younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the heck was going on
when I first saw it.

22. I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each
hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.

23. The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm
trying to finish a text.

24. I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom
and hunger.

25. How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you
just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word
they said?

26. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars
team up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front. Stay strong,
brothers and sisters!

27. Shirts get dirty. Underwear get dirty. Pants? Pants never
get dirty, and you can wear them forever.

28. Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and
still not know what time it is.

29. Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating
their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the
Tail on the Donkey - but I'll bet everyone can find and push the snooze
button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time,
every time!

30. My check engine light has been on for three months now and
nothing's happened. I'm starting to think that my car is just looking for attention.

31. Sometimes I pretend not to remember details about people
because having a good memory apparently equates to creepiness.

32. My GPS says "Estimated Arrival Time." I see "Time to Beat."

33. Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street
smart", all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart".

34. My keyboard needs a removable crumb tray like my toaster.

35. What would happen if I hired two private investigators to
follow each other?

36. I wish it were appropriate to say to a complete stranger,
"Excuse me, would you like me to show you how to discipline your child?"

37. I never understood why the Lions and Cowboys always get to
play on Thanksgiving. Shouldn't the Patriots play the Redskins.

38. Double-Stuffed Oreos should just be called Oreos, and
regular Oreos should be called Diet Oreos.