Sunday, May 22, 2011

Decisive Action: The Ace of Swords

Hi KWP. The Ace of Swords represents the need for the clarity of mind to make bold decisions and the courage to act upon them.

If you currently find yourself struggling with confusion or fearful of the consequences of a particular decision, this card is telling you to face up to your fears and blow the confusion away with some bold decision making.

Imagine a warrior, sword in hand, poised and ready to either attack or defend. Reflect inwards for a moment and check to see if a decision is required as an act self defense or as a statement of proactivity.

If you are feeling smothered or bullied by someone in your life, (your boss or spouse perhaps), the Ace of Swords is suggesting you can 'defend' yourself by making a decision right now to lay some boundaries, say ‘NO’, or tell them what you will nolonger tolerate.

Of course, you can also choose to make pro-active rather than re-active decisions, and follow through with the appropriate action. Imagine the warrior charging forward pointing his sword in the direction he is heading. It's good imagery for the proactive nature of this Ace.

Indecision and uncertainty renders us powerless and vulnerable. When we feel powerless, we allow others to make decisions for us and often end up feeling we simply have to go along with their agendas: taking control of our own life seems overwhelming.

At times like these, we can benefit greatly by evoking the power of the Ace of Swords. 

First take time to quietly reflect upon your thoughts and feelings about the person or situation you are struggling with. Then consider what you truly want for yourself at this time.

Sometimes there's a jungle of obstacles between you and your goals. To cut through this jungle, it helps to keep your focus on your goal, not the challenges that stand in your path.

You may have to sever a bond or tie to someone or some situation that no longer serves you, and this can be scary. However, to be free to attract what you want, you have to decide to let go of things first.

In its positive sense the Ace of Swords represents the decisions you make that work in your favor. These are the decisions made from a place of honesty, self confidence and integrity.

In the negative, decisions made out of fear, neediness or a lack of integrity are like turning the sword in on yourself. Such decisions are likely to end up wounding you in some way.

As I often share in my private readings, the reality of life is that our future is shaped by the choices and decisions we make now. Make your decisions wisely and with a calm confidence, then follow through with determined action, and you'll find the happiness and success you truly deserve.

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