Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Let's take a look at today's date which most write as 1/11/11.

1 is for being a leader, standing alone, being strong, male energy, independent, self assured, pioneering, creative and determined. It is ruled by the Sun.

2 is about balance, male and female energy, peace, harmony, diplomacy, sensitivity and partners. It is ruled by the Moon.

0 is about nothingness, the void, darkness that really is light. 0 is the ultimate mystery. An empty circle showing death and rebirth.

Then we have 4 our door number. 4 is for working, being practical, being trustworthy, steady, logical, self disciplined, solving problems, hard work and detail oriented.

Now for 11. As you know, Kittens, 11 is the higher vibrational energy of 2. It is the first master number so it is seen as the pillars because 1 is there twice. It shows that standing together is balance and a foundation. 11 is heightened spirituality, the giver, innovator, and the humanitarian. 11 is intuitive, considerate, idealistic, and steadfast. 11 is film, fame, visionary and refinement. Psychic awareness, vibrations and a sensitivity heightened to an immense point.

Today you will really feel those energies. Look for the positive in what happens today because you will see the lesson you are to learn. Use your heightened intuition to bring you the right numbers for a big lotto win. You can't go wrong today. The universe has set you up for a day of heightened awareness that will bring you exactly what you desire. Use it wisely.


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