Monday, January 10, 2011

One bill, one debt, one blockage to financial freedom.

Today is a 6 day Kittens but I decided to share this with you. We know many of you are trying to eliminate debt this year. Blackie, Cutie & I believe that is wonderful! When you look at debt you start to see kittens stressing out. Bills are needed to prove your energy is worthy of exchange. You shouldn't put out more money than you take in money. This creates more blockages around money. What you can do is look at what bills you have monthly & what debts you have that need paying off like student loans or credit cards. Then look at your budget.  Here is what I, Kenny Wenny Penny, do. First I write down every bill I am paying, how much, what I spend at the store for cat food or when I go to the catnip shop. Then I start looking at where I can save. Do I need cat nip everyday or can I have it as a treat once a week to pull down my debt.

Cutie one day decided we should recycle some old glass jars. Blackie & I, of course, rolled our eyes & exclaimed,'turtles!' We had no idea what to do with the jars. Then Blackie went out mousing one day & dug up an old penny. He dropped it into the jar. Voila! Now we pick up any coin we see on the ground & we take all the change we get when we shop to put in the jars. You would be amazed at how much you accumulate over a month.  One month we had enough for the light bill which freed up extra money for some extra cat nip treats. Woo Hooo!

The other thing Cutie loves to do because he is a turtle is to collect aluminum cans. They add up in the garage but every 3 months we take them to the place that buys them from us & we get enough there for a bill or two.

We hope that these 2 ideas will get you thinking Kittens. We have a new motto for the new year. It is. One bill, one debt, one blockage to financial freedom. We want you free Kittens. Free from stress. Free from debt. Free from worry. Financial freedom is what we are striving for this year. We will continue to look for articles, ideas, stories, blogs or any thing that will encourage your spirit & show you financial freedom is possible. Remember to look at those other sites too. Encourage them with your words for more articles that will give you hope or wisdom.

Here is to a bright year filled with abundance, prosperity, & wisdom. I will be writing more & searching.

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